Course Offerings
The following courses are available in Arabic, Classics, Chinese (Mandarin), German, Hebrew and Latin.
ASL 101 – Elementary American Sign Language I
Introduction to American Sign Language syntax, morphology, phonology, history and culture. Focus on dialogue.
Core Curriculum/Core Requirements:
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
ASL 102- Elementary Sign Language II
Continuation of skill building in American Sign Language syntax, morphology, phonology, and cultural awareness. Focus on monologue.
Core Curriculum/Core Requirements:
Prerequisites: C or better in ASL 101 or permission.
ARA 101 Elementary Arabic I
A systematic study of the basics of the Arabic language. Equal emphasis is placed on developing listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Culture is also an integral component of this course. Intended for students with no prior study of Arabic or fewer than two years in high school. This course is the first of 2-semester sequence.
Satisfies the General Education Cultural Diversity and International Perspectives Requirement.
Course Typically Offered: Fall
Credits: 5 (Temporary on hold)
ARA 102 Elementary Arabic II
A systematic study of the basics of the Arabic language. Equal emphasis is placed on developing listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Culture is also an integral component of this course. Intended for students who have successfully completed ARA 101. This course is the second of a 2-semester sequence.
Satisfies the General Education Cultural Diversity and International Perspectives requirement
Course Typically Offered: Fall
Credits: 5 (Temporarly on hold)
CHI 101 Elementary Chinese I
A systematic study of the basics of the Chinese language. Equal emphasis is placed on developing listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Culture is also an integral component of this course. Intended for students with no prior study of Chinese or fewer then two years in high school. This course is the first of a 2-semester sequence.
Satisfies the General Education Cultural Diversity and International Perspectives requirement.
Course Typically Offered: Spring
Credits: 5 (Temprarly on hold)
CHI 102 Elementary Chinese II
A systematic study of the basics of the Chinese language. Equal emphasis is placed on developing listening, speaking, reading and writing. Culture is also an integral component of this course. Intended for students who have successfully completed CHI 101. This course is a second of the 2-semester sequence.
Satisfies the General Education Cultural Diversity and International Perspectives requirement.
Credits: 5 (Temporarly on hold)
CLA 101 Greek Literature in English Translation
A survey of Greek literature. No knowledge of Greek is necessary.
Satisfies the General Education Cultural Diversity and International Perspectives, Western Cultural Traditions and Writing Intensive Requirements.
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Even Years
Credits: 3 (Temporarly on hold)
CLA 102 Latin Literature in English Translation
A survey of Latin literature. No knowledge of Latin is necessary.
Satisfies the General Education Cultural Diversity and International Perspectives, Western Cultural Traditions and Writing Intensive Requirements.
Course Typically Offered: Spring, Odd Years
Credits: 3
CLA 201 Women in the Ancient World
Investigates the social and literary context of the lives of women in several ancient Mediterranean cultures; Near East, Hebrew, North Africa, Greece and Rome.
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Odd Years
Credits: 3
CLA 202 Mythology of the Ancient Near East, North Africa and Greece
Surveys the mythologies of the ancient Mediterranean Basin, including Hebrew Mythology. Through lectures, reading and video the major deities and heroes of each culture will be presented within their cultural context, including the stories associated with them.
Course Typically Offered: Spring, Even Years
Credits: 3
CLA 400 – Hero: Myth and Meaning
The idea of the hero has been important in culture and art since the earliest epic. What is heroism? What defines the hero? How does a person become a hero and what do you do afterward? These are all questions that the great epic stories from the past and the world of the media today seek to address and answer. This course looks at ancient epics dealing with the hero and brings hero tales through time to today. We look at myth, legend and lived experience, with special attention to the world of the heroes as articulated through their representation in literature, art, music and film.
Satisfies the General Education Cultural Diversity and International Perspectives, and Western Cultural Traditions Requirements.
Prerequisites: Sophomore Standing
Course Typically Offered: Variable
Credits: 3
CLA 401 – Amazons: Myth and Reality
The question of women and war, including the question of women warriors, has engaged people for centuries. Beginning with the mythology and mythic history of Amazons in ancient Greece, this course traces the tradition of the woman warrior in Western cultural representations (literature, art, legend). Several non-European cultural traditions of women warriors, and the testimony of women who have fought in resistance movements and war in the modern period, contemporary attitudes toward women within the military. Depiction of Amazons in contemporary fantasy and film comprises an additional component of the course.
Satisfies the General Education Cultural Diversity and International Perspectives, and Western Cultural Traditions Requirements.
Prerequisites: Sophomore Standing.
Course Typically Offered: Variable
Credits: 3
GER 101 Elementary German I
The basics of the German language. Emphasis on developing reading, comprehension, speaking and writing skills. For students with no previous study of German or fewer tha
n two years in high school.
Satisfies the General Education Cultural Diversity and International Perspectives Requirement.
Course Typically Offered: Fall
Credits: 3 – 4
GER 102 Elementary German II
Continued study of the basics of the German Language. Emphasis on developing reading, comprehension, speaking and writing skills. For students with no previous study of German or fewer than two years in high school.
Satisfies the General Education Cultural Diversity and International Perspectives Requirement.
Prerequisites: GER 101 or equivalent.
Course Typically Offered: Spring
Credits: 4
GER 203 Intermediate German I
An integrated approach. Reading texts as well as various audiovisual materials will be employed to strengthen reading, writing and especially speaking and comprehension skills. Includes a systematic but gradual review of the essentials of German grammar.
Satisfies the General Education Cultural Diversity and International Perspectives Requirement.
Prerequisites: GER 102 or GER 121 or equivalent.
Course Typically Offered: Fall
Credits: 3
GER 204 Intermediate German II
A continuation of GER 203. Designed to strengthen reading, writing, speaking and comprehension skills.
Satisfies the General Education Cultural Diversity and International Perspectives Requirement.
Prerequisites: GER 203 or equivalent.
Course Typically Offered: Spring
Credits: 3 – 4
GER 307 German for the Professions
Students of International Relations, Business, Engineering or related fields with moderate proficiency will gain familiarity with specialized language and conventions in professional situations. Authentic, up-to-date information will require the regular use of the Internet as a source of reading. Audio-visual material will be integrated with cultural awareness training. Multiple types of writing assignments will help students improve written structure. All classes are conducted in German.
Satisfies the General Education Social Contexts and Institutions, Cultural Diversity and International Perspectives and Writing Intensive Requirements.
Prerequisites: GER 204 or GER 223 or equivalent.
Course Typically Offered: Variable
Credits: 3
HBR 101 Beginning Modern Hebrew
This course is for students with minimal or no previous knowledge of Modern Hebrew. Student will learn the fundamentals of Hebrew grammar, build a working vocabulary, and learn how to read, write, and engage in basic conversations.
Course Typically Offered: Fall
Credits: 3
HBR 102 Beginning Modern Hebrew II
This course covers more advanced grammar and the reading of selected texts such as short stories and simple news articles. The emphasis will be on reading and listening comprehension, vocabulary enrichment and oral expression.
Prerequisites: HBR 101
Credits: 3
LAT 101 – Elementary Latin I
Fundamentals of the Latin language.
Course Typically Offered: Fall
Credits: 4
LAT 102 – Elementary Latin II
Fundamentals of the Latin language.
Prerequisites: LAT 101 or equivalent.
Course Typically Offered: Spring
Credits: 4
Courses in spoken Arabic and Mandarin that go beyond the 102 level may also offered through the Critical Languages program under the VOX designator.