Graduate Programs and Resources
The University of Maine supports 140 programs for students to earn masters and doctoral degrees. There are various resources to help prospective students identify which program is best for them. There is detailed information about enrollment deadlines and requirements, financial resources, frequently asked questions, and an application checklist on the UMaine graduate school website. University of Maine graduate programs work with more than a dozen research centers and institutes and there are 67 countries represented by the graduate student population. More information about both UMaine and external graduate fellowship opportunities can be found here.
UMaine also offers various graduate certificates or non-degree courses related to a wide range of career fields. These programs may be helpful for individuals who aren’t sure whether they should commit to a traditional graduate program or are exploring potential career focuses. Admissions counselors can help advise you on how, when, and if to apply for programs. Interested students can submit a request form for more information. The form asks for some basic personal details, contact information, and graduate programs of interest.
Funding Opportunities
There are many funding opportunities for graduate students such as fellowships, assistantships, and scholarships. There are three types of assistantship, Teaching, Graduate, and Research Assistants which all require the student to work 20 hours each week outside of their studies. Graduate Assistants provide support unrelated to research or teaching and can be funded through independent academic departments or federal work studies. Assistantships can be found by using CareerLink and contacting your department’s graduate advisor. Fellowships require students to make continuous progress in their programs. UMaine hosts numerous internal fellowship programs and resources to find external fellowships are listed online. There are many scholarship opportunities available to students seeking to enter a graduate program. Students should contact the graduate advisor for their academic department to learn about funding opportunities specific to your area of study.
Professional Development
In preparation for applying to graduate school programs, it is important to have your resume and/or CV in order. Resources related to professional development and preparation can be found through the Career Center, Fogler Library, the Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning, Office of Major Scholarships, and the National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity.
Progressing Through the Program
Students looking to enroll must register for their courses and may need to complete a Domestic Study Away form or Responsible Conduct for Research training depending on their program’s requirements. New graduate students should also review UMaine’s academic honesty policy. Students should review University procedures before, during, and after the completion of their thesis. Students must submit a Program of Study form and may have to take a comprehensive exam if they are a doctoral candidate. Students can access various resources at Fogler Library, the Office of Research Compliance, and the Writing Center. Accommodations and assistance can be arranged with Student Accessibility resources and virtual tutoring services. Students can apply for an exception to one of the Graduate School policies and regulations, or make an appeal to the Graduate School. Graduate students can withdraw or take a leave of absence if they need to, but it’s important to review the relevant procedures related to both pulling out and returning to finish your degree afterwards.
All graduating students should check with their department to confirm that they will be able to meet all deadlines related to graduation requirements. Make sure to review any and all relevant University deadlines and procedures. Students must be registered for at least one credit in the semester they are set to graduate and must apply to graduate on MaineStreet. More information about this process can be found at the Office for Student Records. If there have been any significant changes to your program or course of study, you must submit a Final Program of Study. You must schedule your defense and submit a tentative and final thesis/dissertation to the Graduate School. Doctoral students must also complete and submit the Survey of Earned Doctorates. After confirming that you have completed all necessary requirements for graduation, your graduate coordinator will fill out the Completion of Requirements Form. Once all required forms and documents are submitted, the Graduate School will audit student records. Transcripts and diplomas are issued by the Office for Student Records.
Health Insurance
All graduate students must have health insurance, whether provided through a University program or by a third party.
- Voluntary Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP)
Non-international undergraduate students enrolled in at least 9 credits or graduate students enrolled in at least 6 credits are eligible for this insurance plan. Please check with Student Business Services for information and updated costs. - Graduate Assistant Health Insurance
Graduate Assistant Health Insurance is mandatory for all graduate assistants and fellows who work more than 20 hours per week and earn a minimum monthly stipend. Please check with Student Business Services for information and updated costs. - International Student Health Insurance
International Student Health Insurance is mandatory for all International students. Please check with Student Business Services for information and updated costs.
Contact Information
For more information about graduate opportunities both within and outside the UMaine system, please contact, 207-581-3291, or 5775 Stodder Hall, Orono, ME, 04469. The UMaine Graduate School also maintains accounts on Twitter (UM Graduate School), LinkedIn (University of Maine Graduate School), Instagram (umainegradschool), and YouTube (University of Maine Graduate School).