Lectures, Seminars and Talks Related to Sustainability

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General information about events on campus or sponsored by University organizations can be viewed on the UMaine calendar. The calendars may not include every event on campus, but encompasses many different types of events. Also included is a partial list of external organizations offering sustainability related talks and events.

Events at UMaine

Advanced Structures and Composites Center Events

The Advanced Structures and Composites Center puts on multiple events and seminars related to topics such as infrastructure, energy structures, and materials. Contact the ASCC at composites.frontoffice@maine.edu or visit their website for more information.

Center for Research on Sustainable Forests (CRSF) Webinar and Field Tour Series

The CRSF organizes educational webinars and tours related to topics in forestry. The Maine Forest Climate Change Webinar and Field Tour Series addresses an array of concerns related to Maine’s forests such as the scope and scale of climate issues, active management strategies, wildlife/biohabitat concerns, and unique adaptation strategies. The series includes 1 hour noontime webinars followed by a half day field tour at relevant locations. Contact the CRSF at crsf@maine.edu or visit their website for more information.

Center for Undergraduate Research (CUGR) Talks

 CUGR Talks take place throughout the year to assist students and faculty members in learning more about CUGR funding, application submission information, and professional development. Talks are recorded and posted online and on YouTube as well. Contact CUGR at CUGR@maine.edu or visit their website for more information.

UMaine Cooperative Extension

UMaine’s Cooperative Extension is involved in numerous community outreach and educational projects related to food, agriculture, and the environment. They host many workshops, webinars, classes, and events which may require registration or payment in some cases. Their Gardening Webinar Series is accessible to everyone and covers topics such as plant selection, planting native, and other health factors. They also host Food Preservation Workshops across Maine which are targeted towards local and individual growers with the goal of promoting best practices for maintaining and improving food safety and quality. There may be a nominal fee for these workshops. UMaine Cooperative Extension also offers On Demand Webinars which are  prerecorded sets of 3-4 webinars on a variety of topics. These can be accessed through their website. A nominal fee may be required. Please visit the UMaine Cooperative Extension website for complete information about their educational offerings.

Darling Marine Center Science Seminar Series

The Darling Marine Center hosts seminars over the summer on topics such as aquaculture and fishing practices. Talks are held in person but are also available via Zoom. Contact the Darling Marine Center at dmc@maine.edu or visit their website for more information.

Libby Lecture Series

The Libby Lecture in Natural Resource Policy was established at the University of Maine Foundation in 2016 with a gift from Lawrence W. Libby and Lois Murdock Libby.  These lectures are an annual occurrence and focus on many different topics related to natural resources, the environment, and public policy. Notable, experienced, and distinguished scientists and professionals are invited to give the lecture. Information about previous lectures and speakers can be found on the UMaine website. Libby lectures are free and open to the public. Contact libby-lecture-group@maine.edu for more information.

Maine Climate & Agriculture Network Webinars

The Maine Climate and Agriculture Network (MECAN) works to research and address issues related to the impacts of climate change on Maine agricultural endeavors. MECAN offers a webinar series related to topics such as soil health, horticulture, and feedstock as they relate to climate change during certain semesters. Visit the MECAN website for more information.

Maine Food Waste Solutions Summit

The Maine Food Waste Solutions Summit is Maine’s annual food waste event that brings together our state’s key food system participants—farms, food businesses, feeding partners, community leaders, government, and nonprofit organizations. Information about previous and upcoming Summits can be found on the Mitchell Center’s website.

Mitchell Center for Sustainability Solutions Talk Series

For many years, the Mitchell Center has hosted an innovative weekly Sustainability Talks series during the fall and spring semesters. The goal of these talks is to provide students, faculty, citizens, and others with opportunities to learn about the multi-faceted nature of sustainability problems, the value of connecting different forms of knowledge and know-how in efforts to understand and solve such problems, and the ways in which partnerships between universities and diverse stakeholders can facilitate efforts to identify and implement useful solutions. Dates, times, and information for upcoming talks, as well as recordings of previous ones going back to 2014 can be found on the Mitchell Center website.

Office of Diversity and Inclusion Lecture Series

The Office of Diversity and Inclusion hosts informative lectures related to topics of inclusivity, intersectionality, and other relevant societal issues. Some previous lecture topics have included decolonization, cultural appropriation, and various forms of identity. Lectures are designed to broaden perspectives and promote understanding. Information about upcoming lectures as well as recordings of past lectures can be found and accessed on the ODI website.

School of Biology and Ecology Seminars

The School of Biology and Ecology hosts various seminars each year which address topics in biology and related sciences. Seminars are generally offered both in person and via Zoom. Contact the School of Biology and Ecology at um.biology@maine.edu or visit their website for more information.

School of Marine Science Seminar Series

The School of Marine Science hosts a seminar series which addresses various marine science topics and perspectives. For more information, contact the School of Marine Science at carrie.love@maine.edu or visit their website.

Senator Margaret Chase Smith Lectureship on Public Affairs

The Senator Margaret Chase Smith Lectureship was endowed by Senator Smith’s foundation which seeks to uphold her dedication to education and policy. Speakers of national status, renown, and authority in the field of civic and public life are invited to campus to deliver a lecture to the UMaine community. Previous lecture topics have included leadership, climate change, and hyper partisanship. Information and recordings of past lecturers can be found on the Margaret Chase Smith Policy Center website.

Staples Lecture and Seminar Series in Biochemistry

The Staples Lecture and Seminar Series was created with a financial endowment from alumnus Basil Staples to bring distinguished biochemists and molecular biologists to Maine for seminars and informal discussions with students and faculty. Seminars are usually scheduled on Mondays during the Fall and Spring semesters. Contact the School of Molecular and Biomedical Sciences at um.MBMS@maine.edu or visit the website for more information.

UMaine Arctic Seminar Series

This seminar series was created by the UMaine Arctic Initiative in partnership with the New England Arctic Network. This seminar series brings together researchers, educators, and others with interest in the high north and in how changes in the Arctic impact New England. Sign up to receive information about UMaine Arctic Initiative events, programs, and activities via their Google Form or visit their website for more information.

Wildlife, Fisheries, and Conservation Biology Seminar

The Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Conservation Biology hosts various seminars throughout the year related to topics in wildlife issues, conservation, management, and research. Information about seminars and other events can be found on the WFCB event calendar. Contact the School of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Conservation Biology at Wildeco@maine.edu for more information.

Events Off Campus

Lake Stewards of Maine Summer Webinar Series

Lake Stewards of Maine (LSM) works to protect Maine lakes and promote lake stewardship through citizen participation and by gathering and disseminating credible information about lake health. LSM hosts events led by notable experts in topics such as climate change, phytoplankton, and watershed protection. A list of upcoming lectures and workshops as well as links to recordings of previous events can be viewed on the their website.

Natural Resources Council of Maine (NRCM) Webinar Series

The Natural Resources Council of Maine is a nonprofit which works to protect Maine waters, decrease pollution, conserve Maine lands and wildlife, promote sustainable communities, and defend policies and programs that help and protect Maine. The NRCM hosts talks and events related to climate change and sustainability in Maine throughout the year. Visit their website for more information on upcoming events and informational webinars.