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Clement and Linda McGillicuddy Humanities Center

Latest Past Events

Visions 2024: More of What Makes Us Human

Collins Center for the Arts 2 Flagstaff Road, Orono

In 2020, the MHC presented its first "Visions" event, highlight current work in the arts and humanities. In 2024, we're pleased to present the sequel: VIsions 2024.  A showcase of current research and creative projects in the arts and humanities, “2024 Visions” will be held on Thursday, February 8 at 5:30 p.m. in the Collins […]

Maine Heritage Lecture: “Gluskabe in the 21st Century: Newell Lyon’s Stories Still Carry the Penobscot Language”

Bodwell Lounge, Collins Center for the Arts 2 Flagstaff Rd., Orono

Thursday, October 13 | 3:00 p.m. Bodwell Lounge of the Collins Center for the Arts Reception to follow in the Hudson Museum Maine Heritage Lecture: “Gluskabe in the 21st Century: Newell Lyon’s Stories Still Carry the Penobscot Language” With Penobscot language carrier Carol Dana, UMaine Professor of English and former McGillicuddy Humanities Center Margo Lukens […]


The Art of Climate Change

Figuring out new and creative ways to communicate the reality of climate change remains one of the great challenges facing policy-makers, scientists, and advocates.  This event brings together two artists […]

McGillicuddy Humanities Center Funding Fall Deadline

Applications and proposals for student and faculty funding from the McGillicuddy Humanities Center are due October 19, 2020. More information about each opportunity is available below, or on our website at Student Fellows are awarded $8,000 over a two semester period. Faculty grants of up to $5,000 are awarded to support classrooms initiatives, events, […]

Virtual NEH Grant Writing Workshop


On Friday, September 25, 2020, the University of Maine’s McGillicuddy Humanities Center will offer a virtual workshop on applying for NEH grants. It will be conducted by Mark Silver, Senior Program Officer in the Division of Research Programs at the National Endowment for the Humanities. The workshop is open to the public. Anyone interested in […]


Humanities Faculty Fall Welcome Event

MLK Plaza University of Maine, Orono

Humanities Faculty Fall Welcome Event September 18, 2020, 3pm - 4:30pm Martin Luther King Plaza The McGillicuddy Humanities Center will be sponsoring a welcome event to introduce new and returning faculty members in the Humanities to the Center and each other.  This in-person, outdoors event will offer faculty the opportunity to interact and talk about their […]


DH Pop In: Building Digital Timelines


Building off of the success of the Black Digital History event this spring, the McGillicuddy Humanities Center will be continuing their DH Pop In series throughout the year to show […]


McGillicuddy Humanities Center Film Series : Before Tomorrow

Arthur St. John Hill Auditorium Barrows Hall, University of Maine, Orono

Greg Quill's review of Before Tomorrow from The Star: "A disturbing and powerful metaphor for the doom visited on the Inuit after their insulated world was penetrated by Europeans in […]

2019 Maine Heritage Lecture by Darren Ranco, “Protecting Wabanaki Basketmaking Traditions Threatened by an Invasive Pest”

Collins Center for the Arts 2 Flagstaff Road, Orono

Darren Ranco, Chair of Native American Programs and Associate Professor of Anthropology, will be giving this year's Maine Heritage Lecture on "Protecting Wabanaki Basketmaking Traditions Threatened by an Invasive Pest: Addressing “Wicked Problems” Through Collaborative Research." Wabanaki (Micmac, Maliseet, Passamaquoddy, and Penobscot) tribal basketmaking traditions use brown ash trees as their primary source material. This […]

Maine Statehood and Bicentennial Conference

he Maine Statehood and Bicentennial Conference will be held at the beautiful University of Maine campus in Orono, ME, from May 30 to June 1, 2019. Please join us for a series of events, panels, presentations, and concerts celebrating the unique history of Maine, its peoples, culture, politics, art and music. Please see our program for a complete […]

Handel’s Messiah in America

Minsky Recital Hall Collins Center for the Arts, University of Maine, Orono

"Their sound is gone out": Handel's Messiah in America. Francis John Vogt, Director of Choral Activities and Lecturer in the School of Performing Arts, will give a talk on the […]

UMaine Student Symposium

Cross Insurance Center 515 Main St, Bangor

Mark your calendars for UMSS19. UMaine Student Symposium: Research & Creative Activity At the University of Maine, students inspire creativity and leadership in the discovery of new knowledge that makes […]
