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Mathematics & Statistics

Latest Past Events

Grad Seminar: Alice Wise

Mathematics Graduate Seminar Alice Wise, Mathematics MA student Title: From Analytic Continuation to the Schwarz Reflection Principle 3:00-3:50 pm, 421 Neville Hall

Graduate Seminar: Ken Bundy

421 Neville Hall

Ken Bundy, UMaine Mathematics MA student. Title: Signal Processing, the Hilbert Huang Transform, and Leaky Spaceships 3:30 – 4:20 pm, 421 Neville Hall.

Graduate Seminar: Caroline Reno

421 Neville Hall

Caroline Reno, UMaine Mathematics MA student. Title: Sequences on the Circle: Gaps, Density, and Uniformity 3:00 – 3:50 pm, 421 Neville Hall.
