Semester by the Sea

Semester by the Sea (SBS) is total immersion in marine science. The typical Semester-by-the-Sea class engages students for an entire day of the week with multiple, hands-on activities during each week of the 16-week semester. Students spend that semester in residence at the University of Maine’s Darling Marine Center in midcoast Maine. They explore the organisms and their habitats in the Gulf of Maine in experiential, field-oriented classes. SBS students report that this setting is often the first time that they have had extended exposure to individual faculty members and that this experience is extremely valuable in making career decisions, especially about graduate school. SBS is open to juniors and seniors from the University of Maine and qualified students from other undergraduate institutions. Perhaps the best way to see if this program is for you is to visit the description prepared by students and alumni of SBS. Visit the Darling Marine Center website for more details and an application (due around March 1st)
Semester by the Sea – View Curriculum
Semester by the Sea is a residential program offered at the Darling Marine Center in Fall semesters. Students choose from the following available courses: SMS 480 – Biology of Marine Invertebrates, SMS 484 – Estuarine Oceanography, SMS 352 – Marine Ecology, SMS 491 – Special Topics: Plankton in Marine Systems and SMS 491 – Special Topics: Microbial Ecology All students get a taste of graduate school in SMS 350 – Undergraduate Seminar and an underwater experience in SMS 324 – Introduction to Research Diving. Being in residence with the researchers at the Darling Marine Center also provides ideal opportunities for capstone experiences. Students who choose to complete their capstone research (SMS 400 – Capstone Research Experience in Marine Science) or conduct independent research (SMS 497 – Independent Study in Marine Science) at Semester by the Sea should contact a faculty adviser before registering.