Kyle Oliveira

Contact Information

Phone: 732-575-5113


Lab website: Brady Lab

Address: Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences

Advisors: Dr. Damian Brady and Dr. Nicholas Record


Ph.D. Marine Biology, University of Maine, current
B.S. Environmental Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2020


My undergraduate degree in Environmental Science with a minor in Marine Sciences at UNC-Chapel Hill was my first experience working in a research setting. During my senior year, I conducted an independent honors thesis investigating skeletal morphology of Caribbean reef corals that were subject to varying degrees and durations of climate stressors. My current research focuses on large predator ecology and distribution in the Gulf of Maine. I utilize environmental DNA (eDNA) to detect white sharks in the Gulf of Maine and aim to model and forecast their species distribution.
Research Interests: ecological forecasting/modeling, community ecology, movement ecology, scientific diving