Faculty Meetings Liaisons Committee
The graduate students liaisons serve the Graduate Students community by attending the School of Marine Sciences faculty meetings and later providing a brief description of what was covered in the meeting. On a weekly basis, faculty meetings are conducted to discuss relevant matters regarding the students and faculty of the School of Marine Science. Besides attending the meetings, the liaisons representatives must be able to provide further details of the “subjects” discussed in the meetings if requested by the graduate students. Also, the liaisons are able to provide input to the faculty members when requested. Each department (Marine Biology, Marine Policy and Oceanography) has its own representative.
Marine Biology Member
Marine Policy Member
Oceanography Member
Graduate Students Government Representatives Committee
The graduate student government requires that our department have 2 GSG reps. GSG holds meetings every two weeks for 1 hour and attendance is required for 75% of the meetings per semester in order to be eligible for grants. Depending on how many meetings there are a semester, this translates to either 1 or 2 meetings a department can miss. Generally, we can only miss one meeting per semester. Ideally, representatives attend all meetings and then email the graduate students with information about what was covered at the meetings.
Marine Science Professional Development Committee
Organize retreats to enhance professional development of our graduate students. This club submits a grant proposal to GSG for funding, has a bank account for the funds, and submits receipts and final reports to GSG. During the 2015-2016 academic year, we organized a fall retreat in Orono and then a spring retreat at the DMC. The committee members come up with ideas for the retreat, plan or coordinate all of the activities, buy all of the food for the retreats, and write up summary documents that are distributed to the students following the retreat. Often we’ve had people come and talk or sit on a panel, so they find appropriate people and convince them to come talk to the grad students.
School of Marine Sciences Club
The School of Marine Sciences Club was formed to provide periodic social events and gathering opportunities for SMS graduate students and faculty. Once the School of Marine Sciences is composed of 3 major departments (Marine Biology, Marine Policy and Oceanography), it is a responsibility of the SMS Club to integrate the graduate students from the three majors. Typically, the committee organizes a fall semester SMS event, facilitating new graduate students to meet other students and faculty. The SMS Club also works alongside other SMS graduate committees in order to promote multidisciplinary and educational events. It is key for this committee to communicate with local establishments and with the graduate students to provide opportunities for a semi-regular graduate students gathering.
Follow us on Instagram: @smsclub.umaine
Contact: smsclub.umaine@gmail.com
Gabrielle Hillyer
M.S. Oceanography and Marine Policy
Symposium Planning Committee
Annually a School of Marine Science symposium is conducted in the Darling Marine Center, at the end of the spring semester. The goal of SMS Graduate Symposium is for graduate students of the SMS to present their research to all the other graduate students and faculty members, receiving feedback to help on their ongoing research. The Graduate Symposium Planning Committee is responsible for organize the Graduate Symposium before and during the event. A faculty advisor also helps and orients the committee members regarding the symposium organization and the overall work of the committee.
Among the responsibilities of the committee are:
- Conduct the registration of the graduate students in the symposium by creating and dispersing registration forms
- Compile the students’ abstracts and schedule the oral presentations
- Create the overall symposium schedule
- Coordinate with the Darling Marine Center director
- Organize transportation for the students
- Prepare the artwork, t-shirts and gifts/prizes
American Fisheries Society Meeting
Last Monday, Sep 11th the American Fisheries Society Student Subunit realized their first meeting of the year. They outlined a very exciting year of activities, including fish lectures, free fishing trips, professional development workshops and marine science outreach. As a tradition, the first meeting of the year is always followed by good pizza and “fish print” t-shirts. If you want to take part of this amazing club, make sure to save every other Monday of the month, from 5-6PM and come check it out. The next meeting is on Sep. 25th in Nutting Hall rm, 218. Looking forward to see everyone there!
Time Management Workshop - June 13th 2017
On June 13th, the Marine Science Professional Development Club hosted a Time Management Workshop aimed to help graduate students and researchers on the beginning of their career to better organize their time and have a more effective outcome at work. The workshop was conducted by the Director of Maine Sea Grant at the University of Maine, Paul Anderson, with a lecture entitled ‘Getting to the Articulated Yes and the Creative No’. Among the topics of the talk, were: how to decide whether enroll in a new project or not; how to become an effective person; logic modeling and different types of strategic planning.
Before joining Sea Grant in 1999, Paul spent 10 years at the Maine Department of Marine Resources, first as chief microbiologist and then as director of the Public Health Division, where he was involved in all aspects of seafood safety and environmental monitoring. In December 2013 he was named director of the Aquaculture Research Institute at the University of Maine. Paul Anderson has an extensive background in projects management, therefore allowing him to produce an amazing lecture about time management.
A total of 14 graduate students attended the workshop, ranging from students at the beginning of their Master or PhD program, while several students were about to defend their thesis. Among the presents, there were graduate students from the School of Marine Sciences and also from the Mathematics, Aquaculture and Forestry departments.
World Oceans Day - June 8th 2017
On June 8th 2017 we celebrated the World Oceans Day with an amazing Ocean themed Trivia Night at the Family Dog. We had 5 teams playing and summing up a total of 15 players. We were glad to have families playing with their kids, participants of all ages and also our graduate students of the School of Marine Sciences.
First and second places went to SMS grad students teams with 33 and 32 points respectively. They won a $25 Family Dog gift card each team. The third place went to a local family playing with their daughter. They rocked with a great sum of 31 points and won a nice ocean framed puzzle.
The School of Marine Sciences Club had a blast organizing this event to celebrate the importance of the oceans in our lives. Educational flyers were distributed to everyone present and with this, we hope to increase the awareness of the oceans and inspire more involvement of people to preserve the oceans!