L. Brian Perkins


? Agriculture, ? Aquaculture, ? Food science, ? Lobster, ? Nutrition, ? Seafood

Perkins is a food scientist who studies bioactives, compounds that have a biological effect on the body when consumed, and naturally-occurring toxins found in food. He specializes in chromatography (HPLC, UPLC and GC) and develops analytical methods for the detection of chemical compounds in a wide variety of matrices. He designed a course that focuses on brewing beer ignite enthusiasm for food science and chemistry among students. Visit Perkins’ biography to learn more.

A bubble chart demonstrating a 50% research 50% teaching appointment split.
Perkins balances time between teaching (49%) courses about, Food and Nutrition, Brewing with Food Science, and Food Analysis, and research (51%) on analytical method development, novel bioactive compounds in foods, naturally-occurring toxins in foods, and brewing and food fermentation chemistry.

Appointment details

Perkins’ work is supported by:

  • School of Food and Agriculture at the College of Natural Sciences, Forestry and Agriculture
  • Maine Agricultural and Forest Experiment Station

Experiment Station contributions

  • Current project: Analysis and Control of Bioactive Chemicals Associated with Fermented Foods & Beverages. Hatch project number ME021817.
  • Current project: Support of nice and emerging food production in Maine.  Hatch project number ME022330.