Daniel Hayes


🌑 Climate change, 🌐Data science, πŸ” Environmental sciences, 🌲 Forests, 🏞 Land and natural resource use

Hayes is an expert with using geospatial applications to advance understanding of forests and ecosystems. His research studies the drivers of forest disturbance, management and land-use change and the associated consequences for ecosystem structure and function. This work involves various tools including field studies, ecosystem observations and experiments, remote sensing, biomass and carbon inventories, and ecological process models. Visit Hayes’ biography to learn more.

A bubble chart demonstrating a 50% research 50% teaching appointment split.
Hayes balances time between teaching (50%) courses about remote sensing of the forest environment, integrating GIS and remote sensing data analysis in natural resource applications, and forest ecosystem science, and research (50%) on remote sensing approaches for forest health assessments, mapping and imaging the intertidal zone of Acadia National Park during low tide, and a reliable and cost-effective workflow for large-area forest inventory from airborne LiDAR data.

Appointment details

Hayes’ work is supported by:

  • School of Forest Resources at the College of Natural Sciences, Forestry and Agriculture
  • Maine Agricultural and Forest Experiment Station

Experiment Station contributions

  • Current project: An integrated and sustained remote sensing framework for assessing and monitoring the health and productivity of ecosystem services provided by working forests. McIntire-Stennis project number ME042413.