
New Smithsonian Ocean Portal

The National Museum of Natural History, in collaboration with more than 20 partner organizations, invites you to begin exploring the Smithsonian Ocean Portal. The portal is a new website designed to transport visitors to the coastline, the open water, and the deep ocean through rich, interactive Web content. Challenge yourself to rethink the shark, get […]

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2nd International Marine Conservation Congress in May 2011

The Marine Section of the Society for Conservation Biology will host the Second International Marine Conservation Congress (IMCC2) from 14-18 May, 2011 at the Victoria Conference Centre, British Columbia, Canada. Themes for this conference include: •     Innovative techniques and technology for marine conservation; •     Human dimensions of marine conservation; •     International treaties and marine conservation; […]

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Leslie Lab Members at CERF

Two Leslie Lab members just returned from meetings of the Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation (CERF) in Portland, Oregon. Sarah Corman, first year PhD student in the Brown-MBL Program, and Keryn Gedan, a new postdoc, presented their work on salt marsh ecosystem responses to mosquito ditching. See for more on CERF.

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