
Courtney’s coral reef art heads to DC

Leslie lab member Courtney Mattison is featured on the Brown News page this week! Courtney, a Brown University master’s candidate, unites her interests in art and environmental studies in her large-scale ceramic coral reef wall installation, on display this spring at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration headquarters in Washington, D.C. Under Secretary of Commerce […]

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Heather and Leila speak at AAAS

Leila Sievanen, Leslie Lab postdoc, and Heather Leslie will be speaking at the annual meeting of AAAS in Washington, DC later this week on the need to better understand the ocean’s varied habitats and how they change over time, as well as the need to involve all constituencies in conservation and management discussions. Heather’s talk […]

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Sheila’s reef work ‘Today at Brown’

Leslie Lab postdoc Sheila Walsh has a new article on her Kiribati ecological-economic research in Marine Biology. For more on the research, and related work in the Leslie Lab, see

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2005 Heat Stress to Caribbean Corals Worst on Record

Caribbean and Atlantic coral reefs suffered record losses due to extreme heat in 2005. In the most comprehensive assessment of regional coral bleaching, scientists from over 22 countries, including Brown’s Sheila Walsh, report that over 80% of corals bleached and 40% died. These losses are especially alarming because Caribbean corals are already in peril due […]

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Read Eric’s op-ed on Cape salt marshes

Lab member Eric Van Arsdale, Brown Environmental Fellow and Brown University Class of 2011, published an opinion piece in The Cape Cod Times last week on the causes and consequences of salt marsh die-off in the region. Well done, Eric!

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Sarah Corman receives NPS funding!

Leslie lab member and Brown-MBL PhD student Sarah Corman was awarded the National Park Service’s George Melendez Wright Climate Change Fellowship this summer, to support her regional studies of productivity and phenology of the salt marsh foundation species Spatina alterniflora The goals of this student fellowship program are to support new and innovative research on […]

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Sheila’s research at

Leslie lab postdoc Sheila Walsh recently was interviewed about Kiribati, where she conducted her doctoral research, by The Yale Globalist and Congrats, Sheila! See:

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Science communication and translation featured in Frontiers

Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment recently published a special issue on science communication and translation. The issue features a guest editorial by Brown alum Andrew Revkin, an overview of how ecologists can more effectively engage in communication and translation of their science by Groffman et al., and a very useful piece on how assessment […]

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Nature feature on marine careers

Marine biologists are developing an appreciation for conservation, a change that is creating new jobs. Emma Marris reports…. In an article for, Prof. Leslie and others describe the growing trend in marine conservation science jobs in academia, non profits and the government. For a PDF copy of the article, click here.

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