Lab News & Views

Coastal Resilience at AAAS

Hurricane Sandy was a fearsome reminder that coastal communities are highly vulnerable to extreme weather events and environmental variability and that vulnerability is only expected to increase with climate change. Brown University scientists Heather Leslie and Leila Sievanen, members of an interdisciplinary research team focused on human-environment interactions in coastal regions, discussed these challenges at […]

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Field Notes from Cabo Pulmo, January 2013

  In early January 2013, we (Heather Leslie, Leila Sievanen and Mateja Nenanovic) traveled to Cabo Pulmo, on the southeastern corner of the Baja peninsula, to prepare for a series of household surveys we are conducting in the region in the coming weeks. This project, led by Heather Leslie of Brown University and Xavier Basurto […]

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Resilience to climate change in coastal marine systems

Former Brown undergraduate Joey Bernhardt and Prof. Heather Leslie just published a synthetic review on ecological resilience to climate change in the Annual Review of Marine Science. The abstract follows; navigate to the site to see the full review, or contact Heather for a PDF.   Abstract. Ecological resilience to climate change is a combination […]

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Nature Study Highlights Many Paths to Ocean Health

Ocean Health Index provides first global assessment combining natural and human dimensions of sustainability Sustainable management of a huge, complex and valuable resource such as the ocean requires a comprehensive metric that did not exist until now. In the Aug. 16 edition of Nature a broad group of scientists including Heather Leslie, the Sharpe Assistant […]

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Heather speaks out for science and the oceans

View Heather’s recent video on the importance of federal research funding for marine science. Thanks to The Science Coalition for inviting this contribution and Brown University’s Office of Public Affairs and University Relations for helping to make this possible.  

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Voss Fellows podcast featured @

Congratulations to Brown University students Lee Stevens, Morgan Ivens Duran, Carmen Tubbesing, and Veronica Clarkson! Their podcast – I am a scientist – was featured on the Chronicle of Higher Education’s blog recently. This podcast was the final project for Heather Leslie’s spring 2013 course, Engaged Environmental Scholarship & Communication (ENVS 1965), which she teaches […]

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Applying knowledge of human-ocean connections at the local scale

Heather Leslie, an interdisciplinary marine conservation scientist at Brown University, is investigating the importance of incorporating knowledge of humans’ varied connections to the marine environment, and integrating it into ocean policy and management. This post is based on her remarks at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) annual meeting in Vancouver on […]

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Ocean health featured in Nature

Heather Leslie joined collaborators engaged in creating the first-ever ‘Ocean Health Index’ in Vancouver, BC last week. Heather was part of an interdisciplinary session describing the new tool for ocean management. See Nicola Jones’ report from Nature on the Index, and earlier coverage from Miller-McCune. Stay tuned for a description of Heather’s talk…

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Field notes from Cabo Pulmo

In January 2012, our research team also visited Cabo Pulmo, a Mexican national park south of La Paz where fish, sharks, and other marine species have made a tremendous comeback in the last decade, following the creation of a 72 km2 no-take marine reserve. While we know a great deal about the ecological success of […]

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