Course Descriptions
Reading Module
News and Current Issues: IEI 014
Practice reading level-appropriate news stories. Attention is given to developing global reading comprehension and increasing the number of strategies students use to develop reading fluency and reader independence. Develops inferencing, prediction, analysis and critical thinking skills.
Academic Reading: IEI 014
Reading on topics of interest in academic settings. Topics include subjects of particular interest to students enrolled in the class. Develops academic vocabulary, skimming and scanning, analytical reading, and inferencing skills.
Guided Individual Reading: IEI 014
Individual extended silent reading. Reading materials are individually selected to be level-appropriate and of high interest. Practices reading for pleasure, information, and development of English fluency.
Reading Fiction: IEI 014
Reading stories to develop knowledge of vocabulary, tenses and rhetorical patterns used in narration and dialog. Discussion of cross-cultural differences in values and storytelling.
Special Topics in ESL: IEI 019
Language activities to advance English acquisition. Students elect language activities from one of these categories: Cinema Discussion Elective, English Structure & Test Preparation Elective, or Variable Topic Electives. New specific options are published each week and students may change to a new topic at the beginning of each new Elective Hour week.
Writing Module
Writing Module
English for Academic Purposes: Current Topics: IEI 020
Practice in academic skills required for university studies: researching library and on-line sources, increasing reading efficiency, note taking, report writing. Focus this term on current topics.
Personal Writing: IEI 013
Practices writing from a personal perspective. Examples include journal/diary writing; retelling events from life or from reading; personal correspondence; describing persons and places; making recommendations; expressing opinions; giving advice; and writing creatively.
Oral Communication Skills: IEI 012
Practice of strategies for effective oral communication in modes typical of conversational, professional and academic settings.
Analytical Reading and Writing: IEI 013
Practices the writing process to develop fluency, clarity, organization, expression, grammatical accuracy and editing skills. Focuses on analytical reading, critical thinking, and basic expository writing. Develops students’ ability to recognize and use patterns of expository rhetoric expected of beginning U. S. university students. Provides cross-cultural perspectives on academic writing. Small group work enhances students’ skills as members of a team giving honest, respectful, and helpful feedback to classmates about their writing.
Special Topics in ESL: IEI 019
Language activities to advance English acquisition. Students elect language activities from one of these categories: Cinema Discussion Elective, English Structure & Test Preparation Elective, or Variable Topic Electives. New specific options are published each week and students may change to a new topic at the beginning of each new Elective Hour week.
Immersion Module
EAP: Current Topics : IEI 020
Practice in academic skills required for university studies: researching library and on-line sources, increasing reading efficiency, note taking, report writing. Focus this term on current topics.
Personal Writing: IEI 013
Practices writing from a personal perspective. Examples include journal/diary writing; retelling events from life or from reading; personal correspondence; describing persons and places; making recommendations; expressing opinions; giving advice; and writing creatively.
English Through U.S. History and Culture: IEI 016
Intensive work reading and writing about adapted and authentic texts and other media to improve English language proficiency while learning about US culture and history.
Advanced Speech Communication: IEI 025
Intensive practice in advanced academic, professional, and public communication. Strategies for group discussion, debate and argumentation–including relevant sociolinguistic conventions in U.S. culture.
Special Topics in ESL: IEI 019
Language activities to advance English acquisition. Students elect language activities from one of these categories: Cinema Discussion Elective, English Structure & Test Preparation Elective, or Variable Topic Electives. New specific options are published each week and students may change to a new topic at the beginning of each new Elective Hour week.
Listening Module
Intensive Listening: IEI 010
Practice to improve listening comprehension and aural vocabulary. Language input from the instructor centers on pictures, films, songs, stories, or poems. Students will engage in listening tasks that might include pantomime or role-playing.
Listening Through Film: IEI 017
Practice listening to teacher generated comprehensible input. Content based on events and dialog of feature length movies. Students respond at will and are not required to speak in class.
Guided Individual Reading: IEI 014
Individual extended silent reading. Reading materials are individually selected to be level-appropriate and of high interest. Practices reading for pleasure, information, and development of English fluency.
Special Topics in ESL: IEI 019
Language activities to advance English acquisition. Students elect language activities from one of these categories: Cinema Discussion Elective, English Structure & Test Preparation Elective, or Variable Topic Electives. New specific options are published each week and students may change to a new topic at the beginning of each new Elective Hour week.