Progressing in your program

While you focus on your coursework to complete your degree, here you will find the support to complete the administrative requirements of moving through your degree program.

Online Graduate Catalog
Policies & Regulations
Staff Contacts

Academic Calendar

More academic calendar dates

Enrolling in courses

Academic Resources

  • Fogler Library – Where the research magic happens! This link will take you to their graduate student resource page with resources specific to your needs.
  • Student Accessibility Services – Student Accessibility Services provides students with reasonable accommodations and services to ensure equal access to education.
  • Research Compliance – The mission of the office is to promote a culture of ethics, integrity, and compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and policies governing research.
  • The Writing Center – Get support in improving and developing your writing.

important milestones

exceptions & Appeals

Exceptions to Regulation

Students have the privilege of petitioning for exceptions to the regulations of the Graduate Faculty but must submit convincing evidence that the exception is needed and warranted. The Exception to Regulation form should be completed and submitted to us with appropriate signatures.


A student filing an academic appeal is encouraged to request that the advisor or other faculty member act as a counselor and/or representative. For full details on the procedure for submitting an appeal, review the document at the link below.

For More assistance with exceptions and appeals

Leaving & Returning

Leave of Absence

Leave of Absence

Degree students in good standing who need time away from their program (e.g. unable to maintain active status) should apply for on-leave status to reserve the right to return when they can.

Time spent in on-leave status (for a maximum of one year) is not considered part of the time limit for degree completion.

This type of enrollment maintains a place for the student as a member of the Graduate School but does not entitle the student to any other University privileges of a regularly enrolled full-time student, or part-time student.

Complete and submit the on-leave form. Questions should be directed to Aylah Ireland (

returning from a leave of absence

To return from a leave of absence, the student should confer with the advisor(s) and enroll in the course(s) to be taken in their first semester back.

withdrawing from UMaine

Withdrawing from the University

To ensure proper posting of their academic and financial records, students who withdraw from graduate study should submit the withdrawal form.

Returning after Withdrawing or stopping out

Students who have previously withdrawn or not maintained continuous enrollment must apply for readmission to continue working toward the degree. Interested students should complete an application for readmission and submit the $65 application fee.

Staff Contacts

Have more specific questions? Reach out to one of our helpful staff members below.