On Campus or Online

Data Science and Engineering

The Data Science and Engineering programs offered at the University of Maine are intended to meet the growing demand for graduates with core skills in managing and analyzing complex data and analytics challenges. The graduate programs provide a pathway for students from diverse fields to transition to multiple data science and engineering career paths by […]

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Computing for Educators

The graduate certificate in Computing for Educators is for those desiring to teach computational thinking, computer coding, and computer science skills problem-solving courses primarily in grades 9-12. The 15-credit certificate is completely online with most courses being taught simultaneously on campus. The certificate, designed to educate teachers with little to no or moderate current computer […]

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Non-Degree Study

Graduate non-degree students are those who are interested in enrolling in 500-level or above coursework (not related to a degree program), whose previous background or work does not immediately qualify them for admission to the Graduate School, or for individuals looking to utilize employer benefits for continuing education. The abbreviated application process only requires proof […]

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Information Systems

The MS and Graduate Certificate programs in Information Systems focus on technical, managerial, and policy issues associated with constructing and managing computer-based information systems for modern organizations. Master of Science in Information Systems The Master of Science in Information Systems (MSIS) is a 30 credit program that can be completed online or on-campus and is […]

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Geographic Information Systems

Geographic Information Systems have become a common information management and analysis tool used across many academic disciplines, government agencies and businesses.  Students from diverse backgrounds may advance their career potential by building knowledge in this area.  Practitioners in business, industry and government may be interested in acquiring base skills in this area to keep up […]

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Food Science and Human Nutrition

The M.S. degree in Food Science and Human Nutrition is a 30 credit hour program designed to prepare students to work in areas of human nutrition and food science. Students may opt to focus their coursework on food science, human nutrition, or a combination of both. The program offers a thesis and non-thesis option, with […]

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Business Administration

Please note that as of July 1, 2024, the Graduate School of Business is updating its requirements for a completed MBA application. Review the website here to ensure you meet all the requirements. The Maine Business School offers the MaineMBA, a Master of Business Administration program, which consists of 30 credits and is designed to […]

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Engineering and Business

The Professional Science Masters (PSM) in Engineering and Business is intended for students who have a BS in engineering or engineering technology who want to advance into management positions.   The degree combines advanced engineering and business courses with applied field experience.  The applied field experience integrates the new skills learned by the student with […]

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