Graduate Coordinator Training

Review the information below to learn more about serving as a graduate coordinator for the University of Maine.

On this page

  • Grad Coordinator Selection
  • Duties & Expectations
  • Faculty Committees
  • Training Information
  • Important Policies
  • & more

The selection process

Graduate Coordinator selection varies among each academic unit. Other than being a member of the graduate faculty, no other rules apply. The Graduate School recommends that a Graduate Coordinator hold their position for a minimum of two years for continuity and effective service. Additionally, the Graduate School recommends that the Graduate Coordinator also serve as the unit’s Graduate Board representative.

Duties & expectations of a graduate coordinator

The Graduate Coordinator’s position is critical to the administration of graduate programs at the University of Maine. This individual is often the initial contact for prospective applicants inquiring about UMaine’s graduate programs. In many academic units, the Graduate Coordinator is also responsible for advising new graduate students until committees are established. Other duties may include serving as a point of contact for:

  • Communicating with current applicants about the application process
  • Coordinating the review of application materials and providing admission recommendations
  • Advising current students on the policies of the Graduate School and the academic unit
  • Processing graduation documentation

Communicating with prospective applicants

For those responsible for communicating with prospective applicants, we ask that you commit to the following:

  • Respond to email inquiries within 2 business days
  • Use the TargetX Bcc function on all communications with applicants
  • Connect with the Director of Graduate Recruitment for assistance
  • Assist prospective students in how to find potential advisors if applicable
  • Create a plan of how inquiries will be managed when you are out of the office

common graduate school committees for faculty

The following committees administered through the Graduate School have graduate faculty serving to ensure the needs of the academic units and the graduate community are well represented.

curriculum committee

The Curriculum Committee consists of the Associate Vice President for Graduate Studies and Senior Associate Dean of the Graduate School, a representative from each college, the Library, and Student Records. Meetings occur once a month during the academic year to review graduate course proposals. Course proposals require the final approval of the Graduate Board.

Executive board

The Executive Board is the advisory board of the Graduate School. The board meets once a month during the academic year to review issues impacting policies and procedures as well as to make rulings on exceptional cases and resolve individual issues and academic appeals.

graduate board

The Graduate Board consists of the Graduate School’s administrative leadership, faculty members elected by the faculty from each academic unit, the President of the Graduate Student Government or their designee, the Board of Trustees’ graduate student representative, and the University of Maine’s Faculty Senate President or their designee.

Important policies

As a quick reference, you’ll find some general policies listed below. Refer to the Graduate Policies & Regulations for in-depth information.

enrollment status

  • Full-time is 6 or more credits and requires the student to enroll each fall and spring semesters. *Doctoral candidates who’ve passed comps can enroll in 1 credit and be considered full-time.
  • Part-time is less than 6 credits and requires the student to enroll for at least one course each calendar year.

Add-Drop Policies

  • University policy generally rules out adding any course after the first week of classes during the regular semester or after one day in summer session.
  • Drop actions (without academic penalty) will be accepted on the signature of the student’s advisor during the first five weeks in a regular semester or the equivalent in a summer session; thereafter, “Drops” will be considered by the Graduate School only after consultation with the advisor.

Accelerated program policies

Accelerated program students (also referred to as 4+1) can begin taking graduate-level courses in their junior or senior year. Not only will they graduate with both bachelor’s and master’s degrees, but they can also save a year of tuition and for most programs, their undergraduate aid and scholarships continue to cover part of their graduate classes.

transfer credits

  • Master’s students may transfer no more than six (6) hours of credit for graduate-appropriate work taken beyond the bachelor’s degree at other institutions, subject to the approval of the student’s program committee, for appropriate courses completed prior to admission. 
  • For students in doctoral or other terminal degree programs, no more than 50% of the credits applied toward the degree may be accepted in transfer, subject to the approval of the student’s program committee, for appropriate courses completed prior to admission. Requests for acceptance of additional credits must be filed on a Request for Exception to Regulation

Graduate student funding

Graduate student funding can be an essential requirement and a potential barrier for applicants choosing to attend UMaine. See the information on setting up and maintaining graduate assistantships here.

  • Awarding units must provide a student with an award offer letter using either the assistantship or fellowship template
  • A Graduate Assistant Appointment Form (GAAF) must be submitted for any student receiving an assistantship (working 20 hours per week)
  • Faculty will work with their financial managers to prepare and submit the form to the Graduate School before July (fall), November (spring), and April (summer) respectively
  • Graduate coordinators need to complete the fellowship letter and signed forms and submit them to Ally Davis (if any accounts involve the Graduate School) or department financial personnel for entry into MaineStreet Marketplace (if the position is strictly grant or department-funded)
  • Student needs to be registered and submit a W9 prior to payment processing
  • Submit fellowship forms by June 30 (fall) and October 31 (spring/summer)

Graduate student health insurance

All those on assistantships and international students must be enrolled in health insurance and can either use a private insurance policy or obtain a UMaine policy. Domestic students not on an assistantship can enroll in the voluntary plan offered through the university.


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