Susan Pinette
I am a Professor of Modern Languages and Literatures and Director of Franco American Programs at The University of Maine. I was born and raised in Maine; I received my doctorate in French at the University of California, Irvine. My research examines contemporary Franco American literature, where I show its significance to the broader arenas of North American Francophone communities and American studies.
Phone: 207.581.3791
Lisa Desjardins Michaud
I am originally from Van Buren, a small town in Northern Maine and relocated to the Bangor area in 1994. I am both of Acadian and Quebecois descent. I spoke French and English growing up. I have been at the Franco-American Centre since 1996. I am currently the Coordinator of Community Engagement and Managing Editor of Le Forum. I digitized our Oral Histories; I organize cultural events at the Franco-American Centre and host community guests weekly; and I organize genealogy workshops for campus and community. I research genealogy for those interested in their roots. I provide translations, translating documents, writings and other materials as needed.
Coordinator for Community Engagement
Phone: 207.581.3789
Jacob Albert
I am a librarian, archivist, and teacher. At UMaine I manage the Franco American Portal project, a collaboration between five institutions to create an online discovery tool for Franco American history collections. I also helped build Franco American Library, an online subject bibliography in Franco American studies. I graduated from New York University and Simmons College. I grew up in Maine and now I live here with my family.
Project Manager for the Franco American Portal
Retired Staff
Yvon Labbé
Director Emeritus