M.S. in Food Science & Human Nutrition- On Campus Accelerated Program

Students in the Food Science concentration of the B.S. in Food Science & Human Nutrition have an exciting opportunity to earn both the B.S. and M.S. degrees in 5-5.5 years instead of the typical six+ years. Students pursuing an M.S. thesis project may require more than five years to complete the program. However, the research could begin in the senior year to speed up the process. If you are interested in pursuing thesis research or would like to volunteer to gain some research experience, please contain a graduate faculty member whose research interests you early in the application process. Only full graduate faculty in FSN may serve as advisors of graduate students. Associate Graduate Faculty professors and lecturers may serve as graduate committee (thesis or non-thesis) members. Financial aid is not guaranteed for applicants.

Program Highlights

  1. The accelerated degree program allows students to complete two degrees in less time and thus pay lower undergraduate tuition rates for nine credits.
  2. Opportunities to gain hands-on research and outreach experience.
  3. Thesis and non-thesis options are available.
  4. Graduate practicum/internship for students not undertaking a thesis project.

Program Learning Outcomes

  • Students will be able to demonstrate effective technical writing skills. Met by FSN 510, FSN 543, FSN 555. FSN 560, FSN 584, and FSN 699.
  • Students will be able to effectively deliver oral presentations to professional and/or lay audiences. Met by FSN 543, FSN 571, and FSN 671.
  • Students can critically assess current Human Nutrition and Food Technology research. Met by FSN 501, FSN 502, FSN 510, FSN 524, FSN 543, FSN 555, FSN 584, FSN 585, FSN 586, and FSN 699.
  • Students will be able to describe ethical and professional practices in dietetics and the food industry. Met by FSN 524, FSN 530, FSN 543, FSN 545, and FSN 585.

Accelerated Degree Program Timeline

Junior Year: Students will submit an internal application signifying their intention to pursue a 4+1 accelerated graduate program at the University of Maine. They may complete 1-2 of the required classes during the third year. The program will review the application and send the student a letter informing them of admission status and copying the Graduate School.

Senior Year: Student completes the nine credits of required graduate-level coursework (FSN 502. FSN 585, and FSN 587) and submits a formal graduate application to the Graduate School. The FSN  graduate faculty members and the Graduate School review each application. If the students meet the criteria, the Graduate School will send an admission letter in consultation with the graduate program coordinator. Acceptance by the Graduate School constitutes admission to the Graduate School and to the accelerated degree program only for students who had been previously admitted to an accelerated degree program and met all conditions of admission.

Graduate Studies (1-2 years post- B.S.): Each student completes graduate coursework within 15 -18 months of acceptance to Graduate School. Upon completing the program requirements, the three required classes taken as an undergraduate will be applied to the student’s graduate program.

Admission Requirements

  • Majoring in the Food Science Concentration at the University of Maine.
  • A GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale is also required in FSNB 502, FSN 585, and FSN 587.
  • Preliminary application submitted in the junior year.
  • GRE scores are not needed.
  • Required documents by UMaine graduate school (https://umaine.edu/graduate/apply/application-checklist/).
  • Unofficial transcripts are acceptable for the application process, but official versions are needed before a student can begin classes.
  • A professor willing to serve as the student’s academic advisor (and thesis supervisor, if applicable).
  • Letters of recommendation from three persons who are not related to the applicant. At least two letters from former professors in your major field of study are recommended, and one from a current or former work supervisor.

Thesis or Non-Thesis?

Completing a thesis project and writing and defending the thesis are time-consuming activities. The program cannot offer thesis projects to all accepted students, so advance planning is essential. The advantages of pursuing the thesis option are practical experience directly applicable to future employment, eligibility for teaching and research assistantships to help offset the cost of graduate studies, and demonstrating your ability to carry out a complex project. Many Ph.D. programs expect applicants to have completed an M.S. thesis. However, if there are problems with the research project, graduation may be delayed by a semester or more. Research often takes more than twenty hours per week. Depending on the nature of the thesis project and the student’s commitment, more than 1.5 years post-baccalaureate may be necessary to meet the program requirements. The non-thesis option is ideal for students with limited time to be on campus or who prefer to have set schedules. Some federal Work-Study assistantships are open to non-thesis students who are American citizens, have permanent residency status, or hold an I-94 documentation of Refugee or Asylum-seeking status. A Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA must be filed to demonstrate financial need. The FAFSA application can be found at https://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa

Program Requirements (Thesis Option)

  • A minimum of 6 credit hours for the thesis (FSN 699) is required.
  • The student must take a responsible conduct of research class. (see Graduate school guidelines: https://umaine.edu/graduate/students/progress/rcr/). FSN students generally take either the one-credit INT 601 or the 3-credit FSN 524, which also fulfills the statistics requirement.
  • At least 3 credits of statistics at the 400- or 500- level.
  • A minimum of 3 credits of FSN lecture classes at the 500- or 600- level.
  • The schedule of FSN graduate classes can be found here:
  • Two credits of seminar: FSN 571 Technical Presentations and FSN 671 Advanced Graduate Seminar. These classes are one credit each and are only offered on campus.
  • No more than 6 credits of FSN 581 Problems in Food Science and Human Nutrition may be applied to the M.S.
  • GPA of 3.0 or higher.
  • A plan of study describing the thesis topic and the schedule of classes to be taken must be submitted to the Graduate School no later than the end of the first semester of graduate matriculation. An advisory committee consisting of the student’s advisor and two other professors with graduate faculty standing who have expertise related to the thesis must approve the Plan of Study. At least one committee member and the advisor should be a faculty in Food Science and Human Nutrition with expertise in food science and technology.
  • Each student should make a proposal to the advisory committee describing the research to be done for the thesis.
  • Students should work closely with their advisor to ensure timely completion of their research. Regularly-scheduled meetings are recommended. The advisor should approve the thesis before it is shared with the advisory committee members no later than two weeks before the thesis defense.
  • A thesis defense should be promoted through the Graduate School and School of Food & Agriculture. The student makes a 45-60 minute presentation of the thesis to the public, followed by a closed question-and-answer session with the advisory committee.
  • Students are encouraged, but not required, to present their research findings at campus and scientific society meetings with the approval of their advisors.
  • Preparing a manuscript for publication in a peer-reviewed journal is highly recommended but not required for graduation.

Program Requirements (Non-Thesis Option)

  • At least 3 credits of statistics at the 400- or 500- level.
  • A minimum of 6 credits of graduate FSN lecture classes. The schedule of FSN graduate classes can be found here:  FSN Graduate Class Schedule Summer 2023- Summer 2025
  • Two credits of seminar: FSN 571 and 671. These classes are one credit each and are only offered on campus.
  • No more than 3 credits of FSN 695 Graduate Practicum may be applied to the M.S.
  • GPA of 3.0 or higher.
  • A plan of study outlining the schedule of classes to be taken must be submitted to the Graduate School no later than the end of the first semester of graduate studies. An advisory committee consisting of the student’s advisor and two other professors with graduate faculty standing who approve the plan of study and practicum. At least one committee member, in addition to the advisor, should be a faculty in Food Science and Human Nutrition.
  • Each student should seek opinions from the advisory committee while preparing the plan of study. Course selection is individualized to meet each student’s professional goals.
  • Students should work closely with their advisor to ensure timely completion of their degree and meet at least twice per semester.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is an accelerated degree program available for other concentrations or majors?

There are no accelerated degrees for students in the Human Nutrition or Food Management concentrations in FSN or related degree programs such as Sustainable Food Systems.

What is a full-time class load?

Students take fewer credits in graduate school than they did as undergraduates. A full load is six credits per semester. More than nine credits per semester are not recommended. Students on an assistantship may be required to register for one credit in the Summer.

How long does it take to complete the accelerated degree program?

Most students complete their second degree in 1-1.5 years. A typical Fall or Spring semester involves 6-9 credits or classes and/or research. Thesis,  an industry practicum, and at least two online classes are offered every Summer. Students who hold an assistantship must be registered for at least one credit in the Summer and six during Fall and Spring semesters while receiving support. The University allows students to take up to 6 years before terminating their degree.

I transferred to the food science concentration and missed some of the class rotations, so my B.S. will take more than 4 years. Do I have any options to quickly complete my M.S.?

Undergraduates may take up to 12 credits of graduate FSN classes that are not required for the B.S. and transfer those credits to the M.S. as long as the classes did not count towards the 120-crdit minimum for the B.S. and all grades were at least a B.

Do I have to take all of my classes on campus?

Students may enroll in online classes but should expect to be on campus at least one day per week, even if they are not pursuing a thesis project.

Are transfer credits accepted?

Not for the accelerated degree program. The required classes (FSN 502, FSN 585, and FSN 587) must be taken at the University of Maine.

How do I find an advisor?

Some professors are not accepting thesis students but may be willing to advise a non-thesis student. The ability of faculty members to accept thesis students depends on available funding and the size of the professors’ existing research groups. Please visit the websites of the faculty displayed on this page.

How do I select a thesis research topic?

M.S. students often do not design their research and usually work on a project for which their advisor has funding. The Graduate Student Government (GSG) sponsors competitive funding to help students pay part of their research costs if other funding sources are unavailable. GSG also provides partial awards for students to attend conferences.

How can I receive funding to support my graduate studies?

Unfortunately, the University cannot provide 100% of the funds that a student needs to take classes and live in the area. Three teaching assistantships in the program provide a stipend for 9 months, 9 credits of tuition for the fall and Spring semesters, and half the student health insurance premium. The Graduate School offers some competitive tuition scholarships. Research assistantships funded by grants may become available throughout the year but are highly competitive and often restricted to students with specialized skills. U.S. citizens and legal residents with the FAFSA financial aid document may be eligible for graduate assistantships in campus programs; students should begin applying for this funding in early Spring. To see open assistantships on campus, please visit: https://umaine.edu/graduate/funding/prospective/#openpositions