


Preamble: voting/non-voting
For the purposes of the Faculty Senate as referenced in the Faculty Senate Constitution and Bylaws, a faculty member shall be defined as any of the following: 

  1. Tenured or tenure track faculty member who have been on the faculty for at least two years.
  2. Research faculty member with an academic appointment.
  3. Cooperative Extension faculty member, continuing contract or continuing contract track.
  4. Full time faculty members at any rank.
  5. Full time Lecturers and Instructors.
  6. Directors and Department Chairs who are also full-time faculty members and meet all of these criteria: 1. Program offers a degree, major or concentration, 2. Program has full time faculty members, other than the director, and the director is engaged in teaching, scholarship, and service., 3. Faculty members in the program engage in shared governance. In essence, an eligible director should be accountable to the faculty, and treated as a chair by the University.
  7. Definitions of what constitutes a full-time faculty member may be found in College Bylaws as well.

The number of full-time members of each college shall be determined by the dean of that college in consultation with the sitting president of the Faculty Senate. Each college is then notified in late February, or early March, of the number of seats they currently have in Faculty Senate and the number of terms expiring. The college solicits nominations from their faculty, holds an election and notifies Faculty Senate the names of those that have been elected. 

At the March meeting of the Faculty Senate, the Committee on Committees shall present preferably at least two candidates for President, Vice President, and Secretary. The agenda for the April meeting shall include the names of those nominated. There shall be an opportunity for nominations from the floor at the time of the election in April. In a process overseen by members of the Committee on Committees in conjunction with the Faculty Senate Administrative Assistant, each office shall be voted on separately by secret ballot, where there is a contest, and a majority of the votes cast shall be necessary for election. In the event that no candidate receives a majority, a second vote shall be taken between the two candidates receiving the most votes in the initial balloting.  

In the event that the President’s office becomes vacant prior to the expiration of the term, the Vice-President shall become President. In the event the Vice President’s office becomes vacant prior to the expiration of the term, the Senate shall hold a special election. At a regularly scheduled meeting of the Senate, the President shall inform the members of the vacancy, ask the Committee on Committees to secure nominations, and set the time for the election at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the full Senate. At the time of election, the procedure shall be as outlined at the beginning of this paragraph section. In the event the Secretary’s office becomes vacant prior to the expiration of the term, the President shall, in consultation with the Executive Committee, appoint a replacement to serve the remainder of the term. 

The Faculty Representative to the Board of Trustees shall hold a position as a voting member of the Faculty Senate. The term of office shall be two years and the elected member can serve a maximum of two consecutive terms. Any full-time tenure-track or continuing appointment faculty member, who has been on the University of Maine faculty for at least two years, is eligible for election to this position. The newly elected representative shall begin their duties on July 1 following their election. 

At the March meeting of the Faculty Senate prior to the expiration of the representative’s term, the Committee on Committees shall present preferably at least two candidates for the Board of Trustees Representative. The agenda for the April meeting shall include the names of those nominated. There shall be an opportunity for nominations from the floor at the time of the election in April. Voting, overseen by members of the Committee on Committees in conjunction with the Faculty Senate Administrative Assistant, shall be by secret ballot, where there is a contest, and a majority of the votes cast shall be necessary for election. In the event that no candidate receives a majority, a second vote shall be taken between the two highest candidates. 

In the event that the position of the Board of Trustees Representative becomes vacant prior to the expiration of the term, the Senate shall hold a special election. At a regularly scheduled meeting of the Senate, the President shall inform the members of the vacancy, ask the Committee on Committees to secure nominations, and set the time for the election at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the full Senate. At the time of election, the procedure shall be as outlined at the beginning of this section. 

The Faculty Representative to the Faculty Governance Council shall hold a position as a voting member of the Faculty Senate. The term of office shall be three years and the elected member can serve a maximum of two consecutive terms. Any full-time tenure-track or continuing appointment faculty member, who has been on the University of Maine faculty for at least two years, is eligible for election to this position. The newly elected representative shall begin their duties on July 1 following their election. At the March meeting of the Faculty Senate prior to the expiration of the representative’s term, the Committee on Committees shall present preferably at least two candidates for the Faculty Governance Council Representative. The agenda for the April meeting shall include the names of those nominated. There shall be an opportunity for nominations from the floor at the time of the election in April. Voting, overseen by members of the Committee on Committees in conjunction with the Faculty Senate Administrative Assistant, shall be by secret ballot, where there is a contest, and a majority of the votes cast shall be necessary for election. If no candidate receives a majority, a second vote shall be taken between the two highest candidates.  

In the event that the position of the Faculty Governance Council Representative becomes vacant prior to the expiration of the term, the Senate shall hold a special election. At a regularly scheduled meeting of the Senate, the President shall inform the members of the vacancy, ask the Committee on Committees to secure nominations, and set the time for the election at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the full Senate. At the time of election, the procedure shall be as outlined at the beginning of this section. 

The President of the Senate shall designate the Chairperson of the Committee on Committees. The Committee on Committees, except as otherwise noted, shall make recommendations to the President of the Senate for all faculty members of each standing committee. The President of Faculty Senate, in consultation with the chairperson of the Committee on Committees shall appoint the parliamentarian, the members of each standing committee, and the chair of each committee, who serves at the pleasure of the Faculty Senate President. Except as otherwise noted, the chair and the majority of members of each committee must be elected members of the Faculty Senate. Committees may have co-chairs who may or may not be Senators. Co-chairs serve at the discretion of the senate President and on the advice of the committee. Senators may serve on multiple committees. Ex officio members, where specified in the composition of a committee, shall have all rights of membership. The President shall be an ex officio member of each standing committee. To ensure that each College is represented on the Executive Committee, the President may appoint members to serve “at large” on the Executive Committee. 

1. Function. The Executive Committee has broad responsibility for planning and facilitating the activities of the Senate. This committee assigns, coordinates and reviews the work of the committees of the Faculty Senate.

The Executive Committee conducts the business of the Senate on a temporary basis, if in its judgment, an emergency exists. 

2. Membership. The members of the Executive Committee are the President of the Senate, the Vice President, the Secretary, the Parliamentarian, the Board of Trustees Representative, the System Shared Governance Committee Representative, and the Chairpersons of each standing committee. The immediate past president of the Senate will hold the designation of “Past President” and will serve as a non-voting member of the Senate Executive Committee and hold a seat at Senate meetings.

1.  Function. The Committee on Committees, at the request of the University President or designee, recommends faculty members to standing or ad hoc administrative committees, assists with appointments to Faculty Senate standing committees, and coordinates elections of Faculty Senate officers.
2.  Membership. The members of the Committee on Committees are represented as much as possible by at least one faculty senator from each college and Cooperative Extension. Additional ex-officio members of the committee include the Senior Officer for Administration and one graduate student association representative.

Function. The Committee on Constitution and Bylaws reviews proposed amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws of the Faculty Senate.
2. Membership. The members of the Committee on Constitution and Bylaws are the Parliamentarian, the Vice President, the Secretary, and two Faculty Senators from different colleges or Cooperative Extension.

1. Function. The Committee on Academic Affairs reviews and makes recommendations to the Senate in regard to academic matters including university‑wide degree requirements, curriculum matters involving two or more colleges, the academic calendar, academic freedom, academic standards, academic performance, the assessment of academic outcomes, academic titles, criteria for ranks, admission standards, grading, evaluation of teaching, student academic standing, honorary degrees, and the library.
2. Membership. The members of the Committee on Academic Affairs are the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost and, as much as possible, one Faculty Senator from each college and Cooperative Extension, one Undergraduate Student Senator, and one Graduate Student Senator.

1. Function. To serve as a liaison among all administrative committees dealing with general education, i.e., Undergraduate Program Curriculum Committee, and Committee of Student Learning Outcome Assessment & Improvement; and to bring to the attention of the Academic Affair Committee issues relating to general education that are within faculty purview.
2. Membership.The chair is a member of the Academic Affairs Committee and is appointed by the chair of the Academic Affairs Committee in consultation with the Faculty Senate President. The members are represented as much as possible by at least one faculty senator from each college and Cooperative Extension. This committee has no set number or requirement of elected faculty senate membership and encourages a broad representation of faculty members from various colleges and units. Additional ex-officio members of the committee include the faculty representative to the Undergraduate Program Curriculum Committee, Director of Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning, a representative from the Office of Institutional Research and Assessment, and the Associate Provost for Student Success and Strategic Initiatives. 

1. Function. The Environment Committee reviews and makes recommendations to the Senate in matters relating to the learning, workplace, and physical environments of the University. Issues may include but are not limited to: infrastructure; campus social climate and well-being, programs and services; and the environmental sustainability of University operations.
2. Membership. The members of the Environment Committee are represented as much as possible by at least one faculty senator from each college and Cooperative Extension. Although any University of Maine faculty member may serve on the committee, a majority of the voting members must be duly elected Faculty Senators. Ex-officio members of the committee include the Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Vice President for Student Life, one undergraduate student government representative, and one graduate student government representative.

1. Function. The Committee on Finance and Institutional Planning reviews and makes recommendations to the Senate in matters relating to administrative organization, institutional planning, and budgetary issues affecting university priorities and allocation.
2. Membership. The members of the Committee on Finance and Institutional Planning are represented as much as possible by at least one faculty senator from each college and Cooperative Extension. Additional ex-officio members of the committee are the Chief Financial Officer, Provost or the designated appointee, and one undergraduate and one graduate student government representative.

1. Function. The Committee on Research and Scholarship reviews and makes recommendations to the Senate in matters relating to research and scholarship including research priorities, research funds, patents, the protection of human and animal subjects, and research safety.
2. Membership. The members of the Committee on Research and Scholarship are represented as much as possible by at least one faculty senator from each college and Cooperative Extension. Additional ex-officio members of the committee are the Vice President for Research or a designated appointee, the provost or a designated appointee, and one graduate student government representative. 

1. Function.  The Program Creation and Reorganization Review Committee has the responsibility to receive and review proposals for the creation, elimination, and reorganization of academic programs.  After the information is gathered and evaluated, the committee will present a recommendation to the faculty senate for its approval.
2. Membership. The members of the Program Creation, Review and Reorganization Committee is represented as much as possible by at least one faculty from each college and Cooperative Extension with the preference being two from each college.

1.  Function. The Committee on Service and Outreach reviews and makes recommendations to the Senate regarding service and outreach issues and opportunities that affect the university and its communities.
2.  Membership. The members of the Committee on Service and Outreach are represented as much as possible by at least one faculty senator from each college and Cooperative Extension. An additional ex-officio member of the committee includes one student government representative.

1. Function: The Library Advisory Committee reviews and makes recommendations to the Senate in matters relating to the functions of the library including physical plant needs, staffing levels, financial­ support, service to the academic community and the adoption of new technology. The committee shall provide a communication s link with the campus as well as a policy forum on library issues.
2.  Membership: The members of the Library Advisory Committee are the Dean of Libraries, ten faculty members representing a variety of disciplines, an undergraduate student and a graduate student. The Chair of the Committee shall be chosen by the Senate President.

1.  Function. The Faculty Information Technology Committee will review and make recommendations to the Senate in regard to Information Technology matters impacting faculty. The purview of the committee includes, but is not limited to, technology applied to teaching, research and service. There will be a standing agenda item of instructional technology topics.
2.  Membership. The Faculty Information Technology Committee shall consist, as much as possible, of at least one faculty senator from each college and Cooperative Extension. Additional ex-officio, non-voting members of the committee include the Director of the Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning or designee, the UM/UMM campus IT officer, the Chair of the IT Strategic Council, the ETAC faculty representative, one graduate student representative, and one undergraduate student representative.

1.  Function. The Elected Members Committee is charged with exploring issues of interest to its members.  The committee may take up issues and topics placed before it by majority vote of the committee or by agenda.  This will not limit the committee from accepting commitments referred to the committee by the Faculty Senate.  Although the membership of this committee comprises the majority of the Faculty Senate, this committee may not issue statements of any type in the name of the Faculty Senate of the University of Maine. Ordinarily, the committee shall not report to the Faculty Senate unless expressly listed on the agenda of the Faculty Senate.
1. Membership.  The members of the Elected Members Committee include all members of the Faculty Senate who have been elected by their respective faculties.  The Chair shall be the President of the Faculty Senate or his/her designate.  

Each standing committee may create such sub-committees as will expedite its work. Subcommittees may include faculty members, administrators, and students, but the chairperson must be a member of the parent committee and a majority of members must be Faculty Senators. Each subcommittee shall be responsible to the parent committee and report directly to it. 

Other Ad Hoc Committees may be created for time limited periods as voted on by the full Senate. 

These bylaws may be amended by a two thirds vote of the Senate Faculty Members present and voting, provided that the proposed amendment has been submitted to the Secretary of the Senate at least forty five days prior to the vote on the proposed amendment. Upon receipt of the proposed amendment, the Secretary shall forward it to the Chairperson of the Committee on Constitution and Bylaw. The Secretary shall then notify the members of the Senate in the next regular meeting printed agenda that such a proposal has been received and forwarded to the Committee on Constitution and Bylaws in conformance with this section of the bylaws. This committee shall review the proposed amendment and make recommendations. The proposed amendment and the action of the Committee on Constitution and Bylaws shall be distributed by the Secretary to the membership of the Senate at least fifteen days prior to the meeting at which action is to be taken.

Revised January 27, 1999
Article IV Section 7

Revised January 31, 2007
Article IV Section 8

Revised October 17, 2007
Article IV Section 5
Article IV Section 9

Revised April 22, 2009
Article I, Article II, Section 1,
Article IV, Sections 2,3, 4, 5, 8
Article V, Section 1,
Article VI

Revised November 17, 2010
Article II
Article IV, Sections 1, 8, 11
Article V
Article VI
Article VII

Revised March 7, 2018

Article IV – Section 12 added (IT Committee)

Revised 2021-2022
Bylaws amended
Article IV become Article VII
Article VIII, IX, X added

Revised February 26, 2025
Article VII, Section 13 was removed
Article VII, Section 14 became Section 13