The Faculty Senate represents the Faculty of the University of Maine in developing and overseeing policies affecting the academic mission of the University of Maine.
University of Maine Mission Statement
Role and Scope of the University of Maine
Subscription to PIVOT Database
Fogler Library has a trial subscription to PIVOT. PIVOT gives Research Administrators, Research Development Professionals, and their institutions the edge to bring together the right research opportunities, funding, and people quickly and easily. It provides global and local connections that strengthen research by exploring new avenues for funding and collaboration for faculty, staff researchers, and […]
Active Learning Classrooms
Active Learning Classroom Stuart Marrs, Associate Provost and Dean for Undergraduate Education We have an exciting opportunity to join a growing list of universities embracing new instructional modalities tailored to 21st century demands. Corporate America is asking for college graduates who can work in teams, are adept at problem solving, and possess the critical thinking […]
Parliamentary Procedure
To hone your skills, bring this handy parliamentary procedure chart along to Senate meetings.
Keep Up on Unit Reorganizations and Program Suspensions and Eliminations
The site documenting processes of the Faculty Senate in reviewing academic program suspensions, eliminations and creations as well as unit reorganizations may be found at