Office of Academic and Student Services

Program Requirements | Field Experience & Student Teaching | For Mentor Teachers | Volunteering Information | Online Documents & Resources | Tk20 Unit Assessment System | Staff


If you are a Teacher Candidate in the College of Education and Human Development (COEHD), this site will help you navigate your way through your field experiences and student teaching. If you are thinking about a teaching career and/or are planning to transfer to the COEHD, this site will shed some light on the types of experiences you will have, as well as the necessary requirements you must meet as a Teacher Candidate.

As Teacher Candidates you will be on track for exciting academic, professional, and personal growth opportunities that will give you a competitive edge throughout your career.  We continually work to provide early and varied field experiences that are both rewarding and challenging and that allow the Teacher Candidates to experience the realities of teaching in real school settings with experienced mentor teachers.

Field experiences prior to student teaching offer school site interaction in classrooms prior to student teaching.  Elementary and Early Childhood Education Teacher Candidates have opportunities to be in classrooms for their Literacy methods courses prior to the field experience practicum. We are continually partnering with our PK-12 schools, and through the Penobscot River Educational Partnership (PREP) consisting of sixteen area school districts, we are involved in professional development opportunities on a regular basis.

Your commitment to becoming a life-long learner and competent professional is measured throughout these educational experiences by our enthusiastic and caring faculty and supervisors who will support and advise you as you make your career choices.

I look forward to working with you to achieve your goals.

Erin Straine
Director of Academic and Student Services

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Mission Statement:  Drawing on a rich tradition of excellence, the College of Education and Human Development at Maine’s flagship university is committed to leaving innovation in Maine’s Pre-K-12 schools, higher education institutions, and agencies that support academic, cognitive, physical, social and emotional development. We promote effective teaching and learning, identify critical issues, conduct research, and disseminate findings. Collaborating with external partners and experts across the University of Maine, we prepare our graduates to engage in ethical conduct, reflective practice, meaningful inquiry, and data-driven decision making in order to meet the increasingly diverse needs of our state and the world in which we live.