Research and Outreach

Maine Schools in Focus: More Work but Fewer Leaders — Efficiency vs. Reform?

We’ve heard proposals to “cut administration” for decades. Governors, legislators, and business people have argued that administrative costs are disproportionately high and that we must “create efficiencies.” At the same time, schools have been charged with implementing “transformational” changes in teaching and assessment, curriculum, personnel evaluation systems, and more — all requiring capable leaders in our schools and in our districts. How have these two trends played out in the daily work of our schools?

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Allan to lead hazing prevention webinar Dec. 17

Elizabeth Allan, a University of Maine professor of higher education, will lead a webinar on “Preventing Hazing on Campus” on Thursday, Dec. 17. Lauri Sidelko, director of the UMaine Student Wellness Resource Center, and UMaine alumna Diana Haney also will take part. The fourth participant will be Rasheed Ali Cromwell, president of the Harbor Institute, […]

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