Advising Center Staff
Professional Staff

Hi, I’m Faith Erhardt, director of undergraduate academic advising and support services. I graduated from UM with degrees in English and Secondary Education and spent several years teaching high school English. After some time, I went back to school and earned my M.Ed. in Counselor Education. After that, I worked as a counselor for 13 years with UMaine’s Upward Bound program. I fell in love with the smart, motivated UB high school students who would be the first in their families to graduate from college. Now at The Advising Center, I am lucky to support students in the College of Education and Human Development as they navigate the academic and experiential opportunities that are offered to create a happy, educated school professional. I live with my husband the nurse and two boys in a house that always could be a bit more organized. We love living in Orono and being just steps away from hiking trails, Collins Center for the Arts and, of course, Pat’s Pizza.

Dominick Varney is an award winning academic advisor recognized at the national level and at UMaine Orono. He is the assistant director of undergraduate academic advising and support Services for the College of Education and Human Development and received all of his degrees from UMaine: B.A. in Communication, M.Ed. in Higher Education, and a C.A.S. in Counselor Education, so he is a black bear through and through! He spent 12 years working with undecided students at UMaine in Explorations and Foundations; and created the University of Maine Academic Recovery Program for the entire campus. Dominick is also an adjunct faculty member for the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences in Theatre; and also teaches at the Hutchinson Center in Belfast.
Graduate Assistant Advisors
Hello! My name is Natalie Crocker, and I’m a first year graduate student. I graduated from UMaine in May 2023 with a Bachelor of Science in elementary education. Now I’m back as a graduate student in the higher education Master’s program. After completing my undergraduate degree, I taught fourth grade at Indian Island School for one year. I have also subbed in many local elementary schools. This is my first year working in the Advising Center. I’m excited to be teaching two sections of EHD 100: New Student Seminar in Education and Human Development. My goal is to become an academic advisor or career counselor, so joining the Advising Center team as a graduate assistant is a dream come true! In my free time, I enjoy walking, cooking, reading, and playing board games with my husband. I look forward to meeting you and helping you navigate this exciting period of your life!
Hello! My name is Brent Staples, and I’m a first year graduate student. I graduated from Lafayette College in May 2017 with a B.S. in Neuroscience. I also studied computer science for two years at the University of Alabama in Huntsville. Upon returning to Maine, I worked at Cape Elizabeth High School for four years. I was a long-term sub, before taking on a math support and tutoring role. My final year, I became a classroom teacher for Algebra 1 and 2. This is my first year working in the Advising Center. I’m excited to be teaching two sections of EHD 100: New Student Seminar in Education and Human Development. In my free time, I most enjoy reading fiction and playing video games. I’ve also recently started archery. Feel free to drop in to 102 Shibles. I’m happy to help.