Associate Professor School of Earth and Climate Sciences Cooperating Appointment, Climate Change Institute
Marine/Coastal Geology and Sedimentary Processes
chemical oceanography, climate, geochemistry, marine geology
Emeritus Professor School of Earth and Climate Sciences Cooperating Appointment, Climate Change Institute
Golden Undergraduate Coordinator and Lecturer, School of Earth and Climate Sciences
Climate Change, Glacial Geology, Glaciology and Quaternary Studies
Cosmogenic dating, Glacial geology, Glaciology, Numerical modeling of glaciers, Paleoclimate
Instructor School of Earth & Climate Sciences and Emeritus Research Associate Professor Climate Change Institute
Marine/Coastal Geology and Sedimentary Processes
Emeritus Professor School of Earth and Climate Sciences Cooperating Appointment, Climate Change Institute
Marine/Coastal Geology and Sedimentary Processes
bluff erosion, coastal landslides, coastal marshes, coastal zone management, maritime geoarcheology, Sea-level change, sedimentology, shoreline change
Assistant Professor School of Earth and Climate Sciences
Marine/Coastal Geology and Sedimentary Processes
M.S. Student/Research Assistant | Advisor: Joseph Kelley