Student Organizations
These student organizations exist to represent commuter and non-traditional students, including veteran students. Officers of these groups work closely with Commuter and Non-traditional Student Programs (CNTSP) to meet the needs of their membership.
Commuter and Non Traditional Students (CANS)
CANS is a Representative Board of Student Government, Inc. This board represents three groups of students in policy and government here on campus; commuters, non-traditional students, and veterans.
The board of CANS includes a representative from each of the related student groups; the Non-traditional Students Association,(NSA), The UMaine Veterans Association (UMVA) and traditional commuter students. CANS supports Commuter Week, provides occasional free commuter pancake breakfasts, provides programs throughout the year, and partners with Student Life on many events. For more information, contact advisor Brittany McPhee at
Non-traditional Students Association (NSA)
The Non-traditional Students Association (NSA) was founded in the Fall of 2006 by several UMaine non traditional students to provide services and programs specifically for this population of UMaine students. NSA is a recognized Student Government group. NSA’s mission is:
- To assist non-traditional students in adapting to university life.
- To identify specific issues relating to non-traditional students.
- To act as an advocate for non-traditional students.
- To develop programs, services, and information that improves the university experience for non-traditional students.
- To develop understanding between non-traditional students, university staff and faculty, and traditional students.
- To promote networking, mentoring and friendship among non-traditional students.
Students interested in joining NSA should contact Brittany McPhee at, who advises NSA.
Who are Non-traditional Students?
- Students who are assuming responsibilities in addition to studies, such as parents, partners/spouses, family caretakers, or employees.
- Students who are back in school after several years of employment, homemaking, or other activity.
- Students who are veterans of the armed services.
NSA Programs
Family Movie & Pizza
Since fall 2008, NSA have been able to provide Saturday or Sunday Pizza and Movie events each semester. The movies are always family-friendly and the atmosphere is suitable for children of all ages
Family Tickets to Athletic Events
Generally during the fall semester, Maine Athletics provides a large amount of free tickets to CNTSP & NSA to distribute to non-traditional students and their family members. While students are admitted for free with their MaineCard, this program allows non-traditional students to attend with their children, family, or partner/spouse at no cost. Look for notices in the Commuter Lounge or on our Facebook page.
Non-Traditional Student Graduation Breakfast
In collaboration with CNTSP, NSA co-hosts the Annual Graduation Breakfast for Non-traditional Students. Each student in attendance receives a graduation medallion from the Vice President for Student Life.
Non-Traditional Students Week
NSA provides input for planning this week of events for non-traditional students, and with the help of Student Government, Inc., funds the lunch for the Lunch ‘N Learn series of lectures organized during this week. This event traditionally occurs the first week of November.
NSA Bake Off
This annual fundraiser for NSA takes place during Non-traditional Student Week. Faculty, staff, and students submit their baked goods for a Bake-Off competition in the Memorial Union. For a small charge, anyone can taste each submission and vote for the favorite .
NSA sponsored awards and recognition
The NSA, in collaboration with CNTSP, recognizes several non-traditional students with the Graduating Non-traditional Student Achievement Award and the Linda Bradford Non-traditional Student Community Service Award. Students are nominated by friends, faculty, or staff late in the spring semester.

NSA also recognize faculty or staff who have been supportive to non-traditional students in their teaching, advising and program planning.
Nominations are accepted in April each year and winners are chosen by Student Life staff. Certificates of these awards are given out at the Non-traditional Student Graduation Breakfast. This even is traditionally the last Thursday of Classes in the Spring Semester .
To nominate a non-traditional student or faculty /staff
NSA Bylaws
Bylaws of Non-traditional Students Association (NSA
ARTICLE I – Name The name of this association shall be Non-traditional Students Association (NSA)
ARTICLE II – Objective The objective of this association shall be:
- To assist non-traditional students in adapting to university life.
- To identify specific issues relating to non-traditional students.
- To act as an advocate for non-traditional students.
- To develop programs, services, and information that improves the university experience for non-traditional students.
- To develop understanding between non-traditional students, university staff and faculty, and traditional students.
- To promote networking, mentoring and friendship among non-traditional students.
ARTICLE III – Membership Membership is given to any person who attends the meetings or events of the NSA or registers with the officers of the NSA.
ARTICLE IV – Officers The officers of the association shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Public Relations and Events Director. Officers shall serve until a successor is elected.
Elections will be held during April each year or as needed to fill vacancies. Sufficient notice of the dates of nominations and elections must be given to all registered members.Update History v1.00 – 04/02/2007 v1.10 – 04/12/2008 ARTICLE IV amended to add “or as needed to fill vacancies.”
The University of Maine Veterans Association (UMVA)
UMaine Veterans Association is a group designed to advocate for student veterans, encourage veteran social activities, and assist fellow veteran students here at UMaine. Contact the VETS office for more information.