New Balance Student Recreation Center Policies
Please also review our General Facility Policies, COVID-Related* Policies, Locker Room Policies (including towels/locks), Membership Policies, and Family Use Policies.
*Anything that is covered within the COVID-Related Policies trumps anything written on any of the other policies pages/lists.
- Advertising opportunities are available in certain very limited situations and formats, for a limited period of time, must be requested at least 14 days in advance, and will typically be displayed for a maximum of 2 weeks. Requests can be made in person by dropping off a flyer to Jeff Hunt, or emailing the request to Typical flyer types that might be approved are race flyers, non-profit fundraising event flyers, or similar types of community events. Commercial advertising flyers will not be approved. (A limited number of commercial sponsorships are available, contact Jeff Hunt at
- Unsolicited and unapproved distribution or display of flyers, posters, and other advertising materials within the Rec Center is strictly prohibited. These materials will be removed without notice.
Lost And Found
- Campus Recreation cannot be responsible for lost, stolen or damaged personal property.
- Please lock your valuable personal belongings in rental or day lockers, and use cubbies for non-valuables. Unsecured belongings may be considered abandoned property and turned in to lost and found.
- Lost And Found items must be claimed in person by the individual who lost it, after describing the item in detail to our staff. Items can not be “set aside” via phone or email or claimed by a friend.
- Items found on Sunday-Tuesday will be taken to charity on the following Friday. Items found on Wednesday-Saturday will be taken to charity on the following Tuesday.
Outside Workout Equipment: Any outside workout equipment used anywhere within the facility must be approved in advance by the Director, Jeff Hunt, via email at
Weight Rooms
- Patrons must be at least 12 years of age to use the fitness equipment. A parent/guardian must accompany dependents 12-13 years of age.
- Appropriate athletic attire is required at all times. Non-athletic shorts/pants, muscle shirts, cropped tops, open-toed shoes, and street shoes are prohibited.
- Personal training by outside trainers is not permitted.
- Olympic-sized bars may only be used at the corresponding bench or power rack.
- Olympic lifting is not permitted.
- Slamming or dropping of weights is not permitted.
- Spotters are recommended.
- All dumbbells and weights must be re-racked after use.
- All free weights must be kept in free weight area.
- Weights should not be used to elevate, prop, or incline equipment.
- Use of collars is mandatory.
- The use of chalk is prohibited.
- Between sets, please rest OFF the machines.
- Clean the equipment (after each set) with designated cleaning solution, and allow others to use the equipment while you rest.
- Food is not allowed. Drinks in closed containers are allowed in fitness areas.
- Report all injuries and maintenance concerns to the Operations Manager or operations staff.
Boxing Area
- Must use handwraps AND gloves when striking the bag (available for check-out at the Equipment Issue room.
- If kicking the bag, shoes must be removed.
- Only socks or bare feet are acceptable.
- Wipe down boxing area including mats and heavy bag after use.
- No sparring of any kind.
- Keep heavy bag under control. Avoid needless, excessive swinging of the bag.
- DO NOT hang from the heavy bag.
Circuit Area
- Move from lower numbers to higher numbers.
- Perform only one set per machine. No multiple sets.
- Always rest OFF the machines.
- Be sanitary: soak a towel with cleaning solution and carry it with you so you can clean each machine immediately after each use.
Cardio Areas
- Clean each machine with sanitizing spray immediately after use. Do not spray the machine directly, spray a towel and wipe the machine with the towel.
- If you need assistance with equipment our staff are available to help you.
- Workout clothing including shirts and closed-toed shoes required.
- Backpacks and other personal gear must be stored in lockers or cubbies and may not be left on the floor.
- No food or open containers in activity areas.
- Please be respectful of all participants, staff and equipment.
- During peak hours be courteous and keep your session to 60 minutes max on each machine.
Multipurpose Rooms / Functional Training Areas
- For your health and safety, please spray/wipe your mat before and after class.
- Be courteous of others.
- Please re-rack all equipment to correct locations after use.
- Do not remove equipment from the current area; please do not move equipment from one area to another.
- Between sets please rest OFF the machines. Please clean the equipment between sets with designated solution and allow others to use the equipment while you rest.
- For safety, closed-heel, and closed-toe athletic footwear is required. Please wear appropriate workout attire. Items such as jeans, rivets, zippers, and belts can damage the equipment.
- We recommend using a spotter.
- Please set down weights and dumbbells properly, dropping them damages the floor and weights.
- For safety reasons use weight collars at all times.
- Weights should not be used to elevate, prop, or incline equipment.
- Please do not use chalk.
- Use only spill proof drinking containers.
- MP1 is available for drop-in use when it is not reserved. Blinds must be left open. No additional equipment is allowed in the room, and use of audio system is not allowed.
- For assistance please contact the nearest Fitness Attendant or other Campus Recreation staff member.
- For the safety and comfort of others, the use of cell phones, tablets, and other electronic devices is prohibited in the locker rooms.
- We have men’s and women’s locker rooms. Additionally, the family locker room/bathroom (e.g., single-user, lockable bathroom and private shower) is located on the first floor near the pool. Additionally, a Family changing room (no shower or bathroom) is located next to the Family locker room.
- If you are bringing a child aged 3+ of the opposite gender, please use the Family locker room or changing room.
- For health and safety reasons:
- Eating or drinking anything other than water is not permitted in the New Balance Recreation Center locker rooms and pool area.
- Sleeping is not permitted in the New Balance Recreation Center locker rooms.
- The use of sinks and showers to clean clothing or shoes is not permitted in the New Balance Recreation Center locker rooms and pool area.
- Campus Recreation and the New Balance Student Recreation Center are not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged personal property.
- Personal locks on rental lockers are prohibited and will be removed. Personal locks are permitted only on Day-Use lockers but will be removed if left overnight.
- Please do not leave belongings unattended or unlocked (even UNDER the benches). Day use lockers, for which you can bring your own lock or check one out for free, are available in the locker rooms, next to Court 1, and in the All-Gender changing room.
- On-time locker renewal is the renter’s responsibility. Lockers that are not renewed by the posted date will be cleared and readied for re-rental.
- Instead of hanging your bathing suit on the outside of your locker, please use the suit spinner and then hang it inside your locker. If it is hung out then it will be placed in the lost and found.
- Report any suspicious individuals or activity to staff at the Entry Desk.
- Please shower (in locker room or at deck shower) before each time you enter the pool. In addition to the usual sanitation reasons, if your skin is already wet with fresh water when you enter a chlorinated pool, then it is somewhat protected from the chemicals.
- Please wear appropriate swimwear in the pool area; please do not wear swimwear in other areas of the building.
- For health and safety reasons:
- Individuals experiencing diarrhea are not allowed to use the pool, spa, or sauna.
- Eating or drinking anything other than water is not permitted in the New Balance Recreation Center locker rooms and pool area.
- The use of sinks and showers to clean clothing or shoes is not permitted in the New Balance Recreation Center locker rooms and pool area.
- Please do not eat or chew gum in the pool area. Unbreakable plastic containers only; no glass containers.
- Please walk on the pool deck; no running.
- Please enter the water only when a lifeguard is on duty.
- Always enter the pool feet first. No diving; no jumping off the pool or spa walls.
- Please do not hang/sit on the lane lines.
- Please use pool equipment only for its designed purpose.
- Swim noodles and barbells are for fitness class use only.
- The practices of hyperventilating or other extended breath holding activities are strictly prohibited in ALL of our recreational aquatic facilities.
- Diaper-wearing and potty-training children must wear swim/waterproof diapers. Regular diapers are not acceptable.
- Children ages 0-13 must have adult supervision at all times.
- Flotation devices must be presented to the lifeguard for inspection upon entering the pool area, and must be Coast-Guard Certified Personal Flotation Devices (PFD’s) to be used in the pool. (“Water Wings” etc. are not approved.)
- PFDs are required for all children 6 years old or younger. A swim test may be administered at the lifeguard’s discretion to determine a child’s swimming competency.
- Children 6 years old or younger must be within arms reach of an adult at all times.
- Each adult may bring up to 3 children if there are any children 6 years old or younger in the group, and 5 children if all are older than 6.
Children in the Sauna
Children can not handle temperature changes as well as adults. Children can’t dissipate heat as efficiently as adults; they do not sweat as well and their hearts do not have the reserve capacity needed to pump the extra blood required to cool the skin and extremities.
- 0 – 5 years old are not permitted in the Sauna.
- 6 – 15 are permitted with direct parental supervision. Visits should be brief, 10 minutes or less. Parent must be in the sauna with the child.
General Guidelines in the Sauna
- Cool down for 5 minutes after exercising and before entering.
- Strenuous exercise is prohibited while in the Sauna.
- Only swimwear may be worn. Please sit on a towel.
- Limit your use of the sauna to 10 minutes; longer exposure may result in nausea, dizziness or fainting.
- Do not put anything in the sauna water (example: tea bags)
Individuals with the following conditions should not use the Sauna.
- Heart disease
- Diabetes
- High or low blood pressure
- Circulatory problems
- Respiratory problems
- Seizures
- Epilepsy
- Pregnant
- Taking prescription medication
Spa Rules
- Bathing suits are required.
- Children ages 0-13, must be under direct parent/ guardian supervision.
- Children must meet the posted height requirement (42 inches).
- No splashing or rough-housing in the spa.
- Full submersion is not allowed. The head must remain above the water.
- Individuals are prohibited from using the spa if they are wearing any kind of bandage, have skin disease, a communicable disease, considerable areas of sunburn, nasal discharge, open blisters, and/or open cuts/ wounds.
Recommendations for Spa Use
- Children should only be allowed in the spa for short periods of time. The time limit range is from 5-10 minutes.
- A time limit of 10 minutes should be observed by adults, due to the risk of overheating and dehydration.
- Participants with respiratory or cardiopulmonary issues should not use the spa without prior medical approval from their doctor.
- Pregnant women and babies should not use the spa
Indoor Track
- Walk in the inside lane, and jog/run in outside lanes.
- Running Direction: M/W/F clockwise; Tu/Th/Sa/Su counter-clockwise.
- For safety reasons please do not use strollers, skateboards, or roller blades on the track.
- For safety reasons please do not carry barbells or fixed weight bars on the track.
Basketball/Multi-Activity Courts
- All games are self-monitored. Good sportsmanship and proper conduct are expected at all times. The use of offensive language and profanity is not permitted.
- Grabbing or hanging on the net or rim is prohibited.
- Soccer, football, floor hockey, and all other activities are to be played on the multi-activity court located in the back of the Rec Center.
- Appropriate attire, such as T-shirts, and soft-soled non-marking athletic shoes are required. Pinnies are available at the front desk.
- Scheduled activities may take priority over open recreation. Any changes in the schedule will be posted on our website.
- The losing team rotates off the court. Winning teams may stay on the court for no more than two consecutive games.
- Soccer games may be played for 20 minutes.
- Volleyball games are played to 15 points.
- Basketball games are played to 11 points. Basketball games must win by at least two points. If necessary free throws may be used to determine team make up.
Racquetball Courts
- If you make a reservation and then decide not to play, please call 581-1082 to cancel your reservation. It’s only fair to other members to release your reservation if you’re not going to use it.
- If you do not have a reservation but a reservable court is empty when you arrive, you are welcome to use it under the following conditions:
- In Court 1 or 3, if it is :15 or more past the hour, you may play until the reserving party arrives.
- In Court 2, if it is :45 or more past the hour, you may play until the reserving party arrives.
- When the reserving party arrives, please vacate the courts immediately and politely.
- Remember, if you approach the racquetball courts from the front of the building, Court 2 is the first court you’ll come to, not Court 1.
Make sure you use the correct court! - If you move the wall, please make sure the door is closed and you fully clamp the wall in place.
- Please wear appropriate non-marking court shoes.
Tennis Courts
- Please wear appropriate non-marking court shoes.
- Open from dawn – 10 pm
- Leave skateboards, bikes and inline skates outside of the courts
- Bring only water and sports drinks into court area; no food.
- Limit play to 1 hour if others are waiting.
- Be aware the court surface is slippery when wet or dirty.