DeMeritt Forest Trail System

Deer on a winter trail

Trail Map
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trail map - front page

Trail Map
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Click Here for Trail Use Policies

Use of Class 1 Electric Bike

In coordination with the University Forest and Equal Opportunity and pursuant with State of Maine Act H.P. – LD 1222 we will be allowing the use of Class 1 Electric Bikes on the University’s unpaved surface trails.  By the statute, both are also allowed on paved bike paths.

Act H.P. – LD 1222

“Class 1 electric bicycle” means an electric bicycle equipped with a motor that provides assistance only when the rider is pedaling and that ceases to provide assistance when the bicycle reaches a speed of 20 miles per hour.

They are not allowed to be stored.UM building

Ski and Snowshoe Rentals

Please visit the Maine Bound website for information about outdoor equipment rentals such as skis and snowshoes.

Trail Conditions

Please watch our Facebook Trails Group for trail updates.  You don’t need to have a Facebook account to view our Facebook group.

Please report downed branches, general damage or disrepair to Eric Swett at (207) 581-3485 or

Please report any misuse of the trails or any vandalism to Campus Recreation at (207) 581-1082 or UMaine Police at (207) 581-4040.

Bow Hunting – Expanded Archery Season

Bow hunting IS allowed in Orono and Old Town, by written permission of the landowner, but UMaine does not grant this permission, so there is still no hunting allowed on UMaine property. However, some of our trails do cross property that is privately owned, so you may see legitimate bow hunters on our trails in those areas. If you encounter hunters in an area that you believe is owned by UMaine, please feel free to call UMaine Police at 581-4040 to report a possible violation.

For more information:

Use of Campus Recreation Resources for Unaffiliated Organized Activities

Campus Recreation facilities, equipment, and other resources may only be used for personal recreation and fitness.

Campus Recreation facilities, equipment, and other resources may not be used for coaching, personal training, instruction, or other similar purposes unless conducted by 1) Campus Recreation employees as a part of their employment, or 2) by entities authorized by the Campus Recreation Associate Director.

Any other organized activities must be approved and scheduled by the Campus Recreation Assistant Director for Operations.

DeMeritt Forest History

The DeMeritt University Forest was named for Dwight B. Demeritt in 1971 in recognition of his work to procure the land for the University of Maine. Four tracts of government land near UMaine (ca. 2,000 acres) when it was acquired by lease in 1939 and then by deed in 1955. The DeMeritt University Forest has played a key role in education, research, demonstrations, and training of students. It is a haven for wildlife and members of the University community. Its 15+ miles of trails are ideal for walkers, joggers, cyclists, equestrians. During the winter months, skiers and snowshoe enthusiasts are welcome to enjoy its many trails as well. Campus Recreation maintains the trails.

UMaine trails