The Mind Spa

There are a variety of ways to learn stress management such as self-guidance, counseling, peer mentoring, etc. The Mind Spa is designed to be a relaxing space where students are able to escape outside pressures and focus on stress relief. We are located at 151 Memorial Union as part of the Student Wellness Resource Center and is open from 10:00am to 4:30pm, Monday through Friday. Come check out the resources and programs available!

The Mind Spa hosts many programs to promote mindfulness and works to provide tools to ease anxiety. Many enjoy the comfortable, relaxed atmosphere which is free from judgement and oppressive mindsets. Our focus is mental health, including generating positivity, empathy, assessing life balance, learning about one’s self, improving emotional intelligence, and reducing stress. 

One of the most common struggles in college is learning how to manage the stress and anxiety that comes with trying to balance the demands of classes, work, family and romantic relationships, and friendship maintenance. We are available to help discuss how to approach these types of stress in a calm and balanced way while developing a healthy plan of approach.

We have comfy seating, massage chairs, Yogibo bean bags, tea, snacks, activities, and a Nintendo Wii and Switch that you can come in and use during our hours.

We can also be reached at


On-Campus (Private)


On-Campus (Confidential)
