Designing mobile spatial navigation systems from the user’s perspective: an interdisciplinary review
Published: 2022
Publication Name: Designing mobile spatial navigation systems from the user’s perspective: an interdisciplinary review
Navigation systems have become increasingly available and more complex over the past few decades as maps have changed from largely static visual and paper-based representations to interactive and multimodal computerized systems. In this introductory article to the Special Issue on Human-computer Interaction, Geographic Information, and Navigation, we review literature across a variety of fields to generate nine design principles to guide future research and development of navigation systems. Specifically, we suggest making mobile navigation systems more accessible and multimodal, which will make the systems more inclusive and usable for all types of users. We also introduce the research articles contributed to the present special issue and suggest future research directions to empirically evaluate emerging and untested features of user-adapted and context-aware mobile navigation systems.
Ian Ruginski, Nicholas Giudice, Sarah Creem-Regehr & Toru Ishikawa (2022): Designing mobile spatial navigation systems from the user’s perspective: an interdisciplinary review, Spatial Cognition & Computation, DOI: 10.1080/13875868.2022.2053382