
Accessibility and inclusion: Text readers and #HashTags

Web accessibility has always been a requirement for UMaine websites, and has been a regular feature in our monthly newsletter— and ensuring your content is accessible is part of an inclusive communication strategy. This month, we focus on how screen readers work with social media communication tactics such as “hash tags.” What is a hashtag? […]

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How to embed Kaltura videos into your website

Kaltura is the streaming video platform provided to all campuses for use with learning management systems (Brightspace) and websites alike. However, the code Kaltura creates for embedding videos requires some adjustments to work with our campus WordPress environment. If you have a Kaltura-hosted video that you wish to embed on a web page, you […]

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Accessibility and inclusion: Gender-inclusive language

In our January newsletter, we shared guidance for accessibility and inclusion concerns when writing for the web. In this month’s newsletter we focus on improving content by removing gendered language. In order to effectively reach the widest audience, gender-inclusive language is recommended when writing for the web. Words such as “mankind” may be intended to refer […]

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Helpful tip on links to PDFs

If you are linking to documents from your website, you should be using our Resources feature — it is intended for files that are linked across your website and can be used in email communications. Refer to our user guide for specific instructions on using the Resources feature. Do not make a copy of a […]

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Helpful tip on links to PDFs

If you are linking to documents from your website, you should be using our Resources feature— it is intended for files that are linked across your website and can be used in email communications. Refer to our user guide for specific instructions on using the Resources feature. Do not make a copy of a PDF […]

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Accessibility and videoconferencing

Web accessibility has always been a requirement for UMaine websites, and has been a regular feature in our monthly newsletter. For 2020, Digital Communications will be sharing information about both accessibility and inclusion. The term “accessibility” refers to our efforts to remove barriers that prevent access to websites by people who have a disability. Inclusion […]

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Accessibility and Inclusion: Content with clear purpose

Web accessibility has always been a requirement for UMaine websites, and has been a regular feature in our monthly newsletter. For 2020, Digital Communications will be sharing information about both accessibility and inclusion. The term “accessibility” refers to our efforts to remove barriers that prevent access to websites by people who have a disability. Inclusion […]

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Accessibility and Inclusion: Writing for the Web

Web accessibility has always been a requirement for UMaine websites, and has been a regular feature in our monthly newsletter. For 2020, Digital Communications will be sharing information about both accessibility and inclusion. The term “accessibility” refers to our efforts to remove barriers that prevent access to websites by people who have a disability. Inclusion […]

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Web Accessibility and Inclusion

Web accessibility has always been a requirement for UMaine websites, and Digital Communications has been increasing efforts to improve the accessibility of web content on The term “accessibility” refers to our efforts to remove barriers that prevent access to websites by people who have a disability. This month, we discuss how web accessibility fits […]

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How to find stale (old) content on your site

The World Wide Web has been around for 30 years, and the University of Maine has had a website for most of that time. For a decade now, has used WordPress for publishing web content. This means that some websites have content that has been in place in WordPress since 2009. While there may […]

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