Maine Energy AmeriCorps Program (MEAP)

Maine Campus Compact’s Maine Energy AmeriCorps Program (MEAP), formerly Maine Partnership for Environmental Stewardship, will host 26 AmeriCorps Members who will partner with higher education institutions and community organizations at 6 sites across the state. MEAP’s focus areas are Environmental Stewardship and Economic Opportunity. Maine’s cold climate, inadequate weatherization resources, and aged building stock contribute to a vital need for increased energy efficiency. Economically disadvantaged populations, in particular, have a greater mean energy burden due to lower quality housing and reliance on energy-intensive heating devices. Through campus/community partnerships focused on energy efficiency education and light weatherization services, MEAP AmeriCorps Members will increase energy efficiency and cost savings for economically disadvantaged populations, community organizations, and non-profit higher educational institutions. In addition to responding to the need for increased energy efficiency, MEAP will address the need for more job opportunities and vocational training, particularly for unemployed and economically disadvantaged individuals in growth fields like green jobs. MEAP will seek low-income individuals, including non-traditional and low-income college students and underemployed community members for our MT Member positions. By participating in environmental stewardship training programs and receiving tailored career guidance, MEAP AmeriCorps Members will gain a broad skill set for assessing energy efficiency, recruiting volunteers, and designing effective interventions. For a small cost-share, host institutions will benefit from a team of AmeriCorps Members dedicated to reducing campus energy costs and strengthening ties with the local community through energy efficiency efforts that benefit economically disadvantaged households.