Past Projects and Events

Earth Day Brunch — April, 2018
Terrell House residents celebrated Earth Day with pancakes and Permaculture. They showed “Greening the Desert”, a permacutlutre documentary featuring the experiences of Geoff Lawton, a co-founder of permaculture practices. During the intermission everyone gathered around the garden to have some pancakes and discuss the movie.
Preparing the garden for winter — November, 2017
Volunteers joined the Terrell House residents for a mini workshop and community gardening day. The day included a trip to a local horse barn to pick up horse manure, a sheet mulching demo, and a discussion about how to prepare your garden for the chilly winter months to promote a productive spring garden.
Non-petroleum Plastics Alternatives Discussion — September, 2017
Terrell House resident, Lia MacLellan, gave a presentation on biodegradable non-petroleum plastics. She produced two samples of fungal plastic from a special culture of kombucha, and she demonstrated a simple method for creating a biodegradable plastic from starch and glycerin. Discussions also focused on the Pacific Gyre/North Pacific Garbage Patch and the need to move away from fossil fuel-based plastics.
Critical Theory and Environmentalism — April, 2017
Terrell House hosted a discussion of critical theory and how we can use it to improve our understanding of environmental stewardship.
Ten Points of Sustainability — March, 2017
Roger King, professor of environmental ethics at the University of Maine, joined Terrell House residents and visitors for a lecture on the principles of sustainability. Discussion topics included how and why we should incorporate sustainability into our lives.