What is Re-Entry
Just as every education abroad experience is different, people experience returning from their time abroad differently. Your education abroad experience no doubt had a huge impact on your life and this impact will show when you return home. This impact will have plenty of positives, but there may also be some struggles when you return home:
- Remorse
- Boredom
- And reverse culture shock.
What exactly is reverse culture shock or re-entry shock though? R.M. Paige in her maximizing study abroad” work defines it as “the unexpected confrontation with the familiar.” You’ve spent so much time in another country, acclimating to a different culture, communities, and learning different modes of communication that, when faced with the suddenness of the familiar, navigating home is not as easy as what may have originally been thought.
Knowing and understanding how to cope with what you may experience when you return is a key way to navigating your re-entry. The Education Abroad Team has put together this Re-Entry page to help you navigate and settle back into your home country after your time abroad.
What You May Experience
Re-entry can be a difficult aspect of your education abroad, but can be just as important as your time abroad. You can use your experience with reverse culture shock to apply the skills you’ve learned to navigate your host country to now navigate and adapt to your home country.
Ease Re-Entry and Culture Shock
You aren’t the only person out there who’s returned from an education abroad. A great way to help cope with your return is speaking with people who have also returned. Volunteer at university events like the Education Abroad fair, new student orientation days, or pre-departure meetings. Meet incoming international students at university events like the International Student Coffee hour the International Student Association hosts on Fridays. You could also join a language club at your university.
Whether you start an online blog, write a single post for your university’s webpage, or start a journal, writing about your time abroad can be a great way to preserve your experience and reflect on your time in your host country. You can view blog posts written by previous education abroad students below!
A peer advisor is a student who has completed an education abroad and returned ready to engage with their community, share their experience, and help peers reach their education abroad goals. Becoming a peer advisor is a great way to reflect on your time abroad and apply skills that you acquired in you host country in your day-to-day.
Some skills we are looking for in potential peer advisors are:
- Organization
- Communication
- Creative Problem-solving
- Social Media Navigation
- Enthusiasm!
If this sound like you, take some time to apply today for the Fall 24 and/or 2024-25 academic year! The deadline to apply is June 24, 2024.
Returning home and bursting with stories of your time abroad is common. Talking about it may be the only thing you want to do and, when things in your home country seem boring or mundane to you, it can be hard not bringing it up every chance you get. However, make sure to remember to check in with your friends and family and see how they’re doing and what they’ve been up to. Find out what you’ve missed while you’ve been gone. Just as you’re not the same from when you initially left, they aren’t the same person either. You all need to reacquaint yourself with one another.
It can become frustrating and difficult, but you will reacclimate to your life in your home country again, just remember to breathe and take it one day at a time.