Shanghai Oceans University Social Work Students Visit UMaine

Chinese social work students from Shanghai Oceans University are enjoying their three-week travel-study course to UMaine. Nancy Kelly, Field Education Director, and staff from the Office of International Programs are providing an excellent educational experience that includes English language instruction, an introduction to US  social work, and visits to Acadia National Park and other Maine locales. The group is accompanied by Dr. Shang Wang, currently a Visiting Professor of Social Work from Shanghai Oceans University, and Dr. Shujing Ye, Shanghai Oceans University Professor.

This week, Nancy Kelly organized the daily visits to health and human service organizations including the Red Cross, the Department of Health and Human Services, and Phillips Strickland House.

Shanghai Oceans Students Red Cross2Shanghai Oceans Students -Red Cross

Shanghai Oceans Students DHHSShanghai Oceans Students