Yadina Clark

Administrative Specialist CL3 and Adjunct Instructor

Estabrooke Hall 115
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Yadina Clark is a staff member at the Maine Center for Research in STEM Education (RiSE Center), a member of the UMaine Permaculture Committee, and an advisor for Terrell House Permaculture Living and Learning Center, an experiential learning and sustainability project which she proposed and co-founded in 2012. Yadina’s prior experience in environmental education and research includes a Maine Conservation Corps term of service at Newforest Institute, a Research Associate internship at Earthwatch Institute, and a Peer Review Coordinator position at Eastern Research Group.

Previously, Yadina contributed to several statewide Cooperative Extension projects including the Maine Farm and Seafood Products Directory. This initiative helped producers to pivot and stay financially viable despite the economic impacts of the pandemic, and has helped Mainers to more easily find local food (video). She also provided guidance for teams in seven other states to create similar resources in their areas.

Yadina is active as an intermedia artist, educator, and researcher, with much of that work focused on the design and use of unicursal labyrinths. She leads workshops and gives presentations and lectures on the history, design and use of meditative labyrinths, Labyrinths of New England, and the typology of labyrinths based on their underlying mathematical patterns.


Master of Fine Arts in Intermedia, University of Maine, 2015
Bachelor of University Studies (Music, Psychology, Peace Studies), University of Maine, 2007

University Service

Maine Sustainability Hub (MeSH), Mitchell Center (2023–)
UMaine Permaculture Committee (2023–)
UMaine Neurodivergence Group, Advisor (2023–)
Terrell House Permaculture Living and Learning Center, Advisor/Co-Founder (2012–)
President’s Council on Disabilities, Graduate Member (2012–2014)