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Office of Research Development

UM-Mini GEM Concept


“UM-Mini GEM Concept” Giovanna Guidoboni– Dean Maine College of Engineering and Computing Roberto Lopez-Anido– Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering, UM Registration is required.

Biodiversity and Rural Response to Climate Change Using Data Analysis-Workforce Development

Matt Dube- Associate Professor in Data Science, Computer Information Systems, and Applied Mathematics; UMA Co-PI of an NSF EPSCoR RII Track-2 FEC funded Barracuda project; Matt is shepherding the workforce development component that focuses on the development of an interdisciplinary data science curriculum to build data skills in various areas such as ecology, specifically looking […]

UMS Substance Use Disorder Collaborative

Mary Lindsey Smith; Senior Research Associate and Director of Substance Use Research at University of Southern Maine’s Catherine Cutler Institute Marcella Sorg; Research Professor, University of Maine Department of Anthropology, Climate Change Institute, and Margaret Chase Smith Policy Center Click here to register

EPIC Mini Grant Awardees

EPIC's mission is to provide the best high-impact, student-centered undergraduate education in the nation and beyond. During this presentation, awardees of EPIC mini grants from across UMS, will showcase their projects; designed to expand experiential learning opportunities for all Maine undergraduates that enhance existing curriculum, providing students with new ways to engage with foundational learning […]

Rare Earth Elements Discovered in Northern Maine

“Rare Earth Elements and the Recently Discovered Pennington Mountain Rare Earth Elements-Niobium-Zirconium (REE-Nb-Zr) Deposit in Northern Maine: What, How, and Why it Matters?” Chunzeng Wang; Professor of Earth and Environmental Studies; UMPI (and graduate faculty of the University of Maine Graduate School) Click here to register

Using FlowCam to Advance Biomonitoring, Education, and Community Science in Penobscot Bay

Researchers and professors at Maine Maritime Academy have focused on advancing community science and environmental science education using the FlowCam, a next-generation tool for particle imaging of fluids, awarded in 2022 through MEIF-SCI funding. This talk will highlight their work in building partnerships in environmental science in Penobscot Bay and the Bagaduce River estuary.  FlowCam […]

Rural Issues’ Research

Join us for an informational webinar showcasing two rural issues' research projects: "4-H Maple Woodlands Agriculture and Workforce Development" Andrew Hudacs, Assistant Extension Professor, Statewide 4-H Teen Leadership and Workforce Development; University of Maine Cooperative Extension "Rural Resilience: The Role for Innovative Public Transportation" Jonathan Rubin, Director of the Margaret Chase Smith Policy Center and […]

“Building Ethical Resilience Among College Students Using Metacognitive Approaches”

Training the next generation of college students early and effectively in research ethics is a crucial component of their education. This project will develop, implement, and test a college-level course in ethical decision-making for emerging science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) professionals to better prepare them for the pressures they may encounter in the workplace. […]

“Development of Cost Effective Biosorbents to Remediate Heavy Metals and PFAS Contaminated Wastewater” (MEIF-SCI)

This presentation will showcase the Maine Economic Improvement Fund-Small Campus Initiative funded project to develop biosorbents that remove dissolved heavy metals and per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) from water bodies, and suitable UV-Vis spectroscopic techniques to analyze water samples. Udaya Jayasundara, Assistant Professor of Chemistry; University of Maine Presque Isle Click here to register
