Beyond the Tides: An Environmental Augmented Reality Game
PI: Gordon-Messer, Susannah (CI2Lab, University of Southern Maine)
Sector: Climate Change, Computer Science
Partners: N/A
Abstract: Beyond the Tides is a student developed, location based, augmented reality (AR) game that educates Mainers on effects of climate change on oceans including rising sea levels, rising temperatures and increased ocean acidification. In a chose-your-own adventure style game, players take on different occupations (ex. builder, city planner, lobster boat captain) to see how their job decisions, economic futures and lifestyles will be changed as a result of climate change. During the game, players interact with virtual characters, objects, and data as they move around their real-world location. At the end of the game, the player is provided a list of community engagement ideas, projects and local organizations working to combat climate change.