At night, if at all possible, don’t walk alone, stay in well lit areas, and populated areas. (Avoid short cuts) Always let a friend know where you are and where you’re going.
Learn your surroundings (Street names, building names, where emergency callboxes are located, etc…)
Always make sure your vehicle windows are up and doors always locked. Avoid leaving valuables inside or visible within your vehicle.
If living on campus make a second copy of your car key. If you lock yourself out of your vehicle you will have a spare key available in your room.
Always lock your bicycle or motorcycle when leaving it unattended. (Even if unattended for a minute.)
If you witness a crime, something out of the ordinary or just suspicious, don’t hesitate to call UMPD (207-581-4040) or find your nearest emergency callbox phone and report it.
Protect your property by labeling everything with your name or initials (Example: text books, DVDs, electronics, clothes, laptops, etc…)
If visiting campus, stop by the Student Services located in the Memorial Union or UMPD and pick up a free visitor parking permit. UMPD dispatcher will explain to you where you can park.