About the Process Development Center

collage of workers

The UMaine Process Development Center (PDC) is pleased to offer our facility, equipment, and expertise for cooperative research and development projects. For over thirty years, the PDC has set the industry standard for collaborative pulp and paper research and in recent years has expanded into other technology areas, such as nanomaterials and nano-composites.

We have a long track record of collaborating with partners to support traditional manufacturing as well as to create entirely new products from forest and agriculturally derived raw materials. Over the years, the PDC has served a unique role in supporting public-private partnerships, particularly within the forest products industry.

The exterior of Jenness HallAdvancing a product from concept to commercial success can sometimes seem a daunting prospect. This is especially true for start-up companies that may not have the facilities or the staff to bring an idea to market. The knowledgeable staff and faculty of the Process Development Center offer you open access to our facility and resources.  We will support you throughout the entire process – from concept development, validation, pilot demonstration, and through to successful commercialization. Whether you’re a well-established industry leader or a fledgling tech start-up, as our client you can expect world-class technical expertise and access to cutting-edge technology and equipment.