Assessment Toolkit & Resources

Assessment process

The purpose of academic assessment at the University of Maine is to improve student learning. The primary goal of our academic assessment is to further develop an environment that supports student learning and continually reflects on the efficacy of our programs. Below are helpful resources to use for program assessment. For a more detailed description of program assessment at UMaine, please refer to the University of Maine Assessment Plan.

The following are the required documents for assessment planning and documentation at the University of Maine:

Helpful documents for assessment planning:

Collecting data and evidence occurs once a program has identified their program learning outcomes and mapped them to the curriculum.  Below are some helpful resources on collecting data and evidence for program assessment purposes:

Resources that help identify, within an academic department’s curriculum, where and how learning objectives are addressed:

Building a narrative through evidence-based storytelling can help the audience more effectively understand the data being communicated.

8 Step Toolkit for Building a Narrative