News Releases

A photo of a person reading on the coast of Maine

7 summer reading recommendations from UMaine English faculty

Summer is the best time to catch up on reading for fun. University of Maine’s English professors always take advantage of this season to immerse themselves in literature that they aren’t teaching in class — and they are experts on what’s great to read during the long, warm days of summer. If you are looking […]

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A photo of Rachel Schattman

UMaine granted $650K to study climate change impacts on wild blueberries from USDA NIFA

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) has awarded $650,000 to a University of Maine project investigating the impacts of climate change on wild blueberry ecosystems and economics.  Wild blueberry fields provide important crops for the state of Maine. They also support ecosystems by providing water regulation, nutrient cycling, […]

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A photo of a hearing test being administered at the Special Olympics

UMaine students provide hearing screenings at Special Olympics event

University of Maine students provided free hearing screenings for athletes who participated in the Special Olympics Maine 2023 State Summer Games on June 10. Through multiple tests, the screenings — administered in Dunn Hall — determined whether athletes were experiencing hearing loss. Every year, the clinic benefits hundreds of competitors with intellectual disabilities at the […]

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Photo of a group of children high-fiving each other while sitting at a table indoors.

UMS, Maine DOE expand whole-student supports for Maine schools

More K–12 students and educators in Maine are set to benefit from stronger social, emotional and behavioral supports thanks to Maine PBIS, a collaboration between the University of Maine System and Maine Department Education, which is adding 21 new schools to its professional development cohort. The schools, which will participate in the initiative over the […]

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A photo of four people holding award certificates

Four UMaine Ph.D. students win top awards in 2023 BioME showcase

Four University of Maine Ph.D. students won the top awards in the college division of the 2023 Bioscience Association of Maine (BioME) Student Showcase on May 3.  The annual competition tasks college and high school students, who participate in separate divisions, with presenting life-science focused research projects to win cash and academic prizes. According to […]

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A photo of of Camden Harbor from the top of Mount Battie

8 summer outdoor adventures recommended by UMaine forestry professors 

One of the best things about being in Maine during the summer (or any season, for that matter) is the wealth of outdoor opportunities it offers — they don’t call it “Vacationland” for nothing. Faculty at the University of Maine School of Forest Resources (SFR) enjoy recreating in the great outdoors just as much as […]

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A photo of two children looking at a tick

New 4-H project collaboration uses ticks to teach kids about ecosystems and public health

University of Maine Cooperative Extension recently launched its new 4-H Tick Project, a community science program where youth collect, identify and learn about ticks while contributing to university research. The project provides children and teenagers an opportunity to explore ticks and tick-borne diseases and understand the connections between climate, ecosystem change and public health. Led […]

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A photo of the field hockey complex construction site

New UMaine Field Hockey Complex scheduled to open in August

Construction for the new University of Maine field hockey complex, scheduled to open in August, is well underway, with several developments completed through the winter and spring seasons. The underground utilities, including new perimeter drainage, have been installed, and concrete walls have been erected at the team bench areas and along the grandstand. Construction on […]

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