UMaine, NU launch new collaborative research program
A new Seed Grant Program will facilitate research collaborations between the University of Maine and Northeastern University as part of a memorandum of understanding between the two institutions.
The program will fund up to $50,000 for a year of research for each initiative led by at least one researcher from each university in any field or discipline. NU and UMaine faculty will collaborate on research in fields of mutual interest, and to jointly apply for federal funding for initiatives.
Research priority areas include artificial intelligence, Earth and climate sciences, health and life sciences, manufacturing and marine sciences. Deadline for proposals is July 22.
In January, NU announced the launch of the Roux Institute in Portland, Maine, dedicated to educating students for the digital and life sciences sectors of the innovation economy. The institute also will enable Maine-based companies to get up to speed in the digital era, encourage U.S. businesses to relocate their operations to the state, and generate startup companies.
“This program will enable researchers from the University of Maine and Northeastern University and its Roux Institute to advance the frontier of knowledge, develop new technologies and positively impact the economy of Maine and the region,” says David Luzzi, senior vice provost for research at Northeastern University. “We expect exciting outcomes by joining the talents and sharing the capabilities of both universities.”
Collaborations between the world-class researchers at the two universities have occurred through the years, says Kody Varahramyan, UMaine vice president for research and dean of the Graduate School. The new memorandum of understanding formalizes and advances future research collaborations.
“The new memorandum of understanding provides the framework to systematically grow the collaborations between the two universities, including in advanced composites and manufacturing, artificial intelligence and life sciences,” says Varahramyan.
More information on the Seed Grant Program is available by contacting Jason Charland, jason.charland@maine.edu, and Karen Drew, k.drew@northeastern.edu.
Contact: Margaret Nagle, nagle@maine.edu