WLBZ previews UMaine Woodsmen’s Team home meet

WLBZ (Channel 2) spoke with members of the University of Maine Woodsmen’s Team ahead of their annual home meet of classic Maine logging games. From 8 a.m.–4 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 20, the 30-member team will compete against groups from Paul Smith’s College, Unity College, University of New Hampshire, Colby College and University of Vermont. The meet will be held at Libby Field, next to Nutting Hall on the UMaine campus. Events include singles activities, such as disk stack, axe throw and single buck; double and triple events, such as chopping, fire build and splitting; and team events such as log roll, sawing and pulp toss. The meet is free and open to the public, and spectators will have the opportunity to try an axe throw. Team president Bree Jarvis said preparing for the meet is a lot of work. “You really do have to practice every day, if not multiple times a day. Because it’s just so competitive,” she said. “We practice really, really hard because we want to do really well.”