Austin Morin

Austin Morin is a fourth-year New Media major and Marketing minor with a passion for digital marketing and design. Austin is in a Fraternity on campus, which he spends most of his time and work creating digital marketing assets and apparel for. In his free time he also plays club lacrosse for the school and intramural sports on the side to stay active. Austin wishes to pursue a career that revolves around the digital world and how to market and share it to others.

He plans to use the work on his “Product Tag” project to display his passion and skills for both new media and marketing. His project is a machine learning algorithm that will help connect people on social media with their family and friends through similar interests. The project also mainly focuses to change the way that people experience advertisements on social media. He says his goal is to make advertisements digestible and profitable for both consumers and businesses, without losing the integrity of the platform.

Product Tag is a system that will inform a user of certain products that are identified in a picture in a social media post. Once the item is recognized, the system will tag the product as if it were a person and link the user to the location on the internet where that item can be purchased.