Spring 2020 Sustainability Talks

Cherry BlossomTalk Cancellations

Given the situation with the COVID-19 virus, and following guidance from the University of Maine System and the Maine Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, all talks taking place after March 12 were cancelled. Where possible, these talks will be rescheduled for fall semester.

All talks are Mondays at 3pm in 107 Norman Smith Hall, University of Maine, Orono unless otherwise indicated. Please sign up for our e-newsletter for regular event updates.

February 3
The Shifting Dynamics of Rural Economic Development
Lee Umphrey and Vicki Rusbult, Eastern Maine Development Corporation
Link to video

February 10
Dams, Culverts and the Art of Decision Making
Sam Roy, Research Assistant Professor, Mitchell Center for Sustainability Solutions, UMaine
Link to video

February 24
Sustainable, Livable Communities for All: MDI’s affordable housing problem
Ted Koffman, Former Maine State Representative
Power Point of Ted’s talk
Link to video

March 2
Tick, Talk: Integrating biological and social science research to address ticks and Lyme disease in Maine
Carly Sponarski, Dept. of Wildlife, Fisheries and Conservation Biology, UMaine
Link to video

March 9
Shifting paradigms to manage for change in Acadia National Park: Our approach and where we need your help
Abraham Miller-Rushing, Acadia National Park
Link to video

March 23 at 12pm – CANCELLED
Rapid Arctic Change: Why does it matter and how can the science community help?
Fran Ulmer, Chair, U.S. Arctic Research Commission

March 30 – CANCELLED
Defining Food Security in the Modern World: Nutritional and Food Management Policies in the US, Canada, and Great Britain in the Post-World War Two Era
Brian Payne, Associate Professor, History and Canadian Studies, Bridgewater State University

Cultivating Ecological Virtues – Talk and Mini-Workshop
Don Beith, Assistant Professor, Philosophy, UMaine

April 13 – CANCELLED
Stories from the Sea: Fishing Communities Revealed
Natalie Springuel, Marine Extension Associate, Maine Sea Grant