Environmental and Sustainability Related Clubs, Associations, Societies, and Organizations

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American Chemical Society Student Chapter

The American Chemical Society (ACS) student chapter at UMaine provides a place for those who are interested in chemistry to gather and ask questions or even get help with chemistry related questions. The society also runs events. For more information, please contact umaineacs-group@maine.edu, Facebook (umaineacs), or faculty advisor William Gramlich.

American Institute of Chemical Engineers Student Chapter

AIChE is the world’s leading organization for chemical engineering professionals, with more than 60,000 members from more than 110 countries. The student chapter is a professional student organization that provides opportunities for personal and professional growth to its members, as well as learning about potential career opportunities through the Chemical Engineering field. For more information on the UMaine Chapter, contact faculty advisor Sara Walton. The UMaine chapter maintains Facebook (AIChEUMaine) and Instagram (umaine.aiche) accounts.

Aquaculture Club

The Aquaculture Club’s goal is to provide students with experience in aspects of aquaculture management, function, and education. The club also aids students with aquaculture projects and capstones and provides outreach programs to educate the general public about the  industry. For more information, please contact faculty advisor Mary Scarlett Tudor.

Biology Club

The Biology Club was established in 1999 for students in the Department of Biological Sciences as a way to enhance their academic and social experiences. The Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Maine has applied to form a chapter of TriBeta, or Beta Beta Beta, an honor and professional society for students of the biological sciences. TriBeta is designed to stimulate interest, scholarly attainment, and investigation in the biological sciences, and to promote the dissemination of information and new interpretations of biological data and concepts among students of the life sciences. This organization also undertakes community and social activities. For more information, please contact Leonard Kass at 207-581-2567. The Biology Club also maintains a Facebook (University of Maine Biology Club) account.

Black Bear Food Guild

Established in 1994, the Food Guild is a community supported agricultural endeavor, initiated and developed by students in response to their desire for more hands-on learning. Students manage two acres of certified organic vegetable production and one acre under cover crop. The majority of the operating capital is from the sale of membership shares. Students provide fresh organically grown vegetables to about 40 shareholders. For more information, contact Eric Gallandt at 207-581-2933. The Black Bear Food Guild also maintains a Facebook (blackbearcsa) page.

Cooperative League of University Chicken Keepers (CLUCKs)

Formerly known as the “Poultry Club”, the UMaine CLUCKs provides experience with hatching and raising chickens, a chance to take a break from a regular class routine to care for their 15 hens and one rooster, and to mingle with fellow chicken enthusiasts! They have worked with the AVS 145 Poultry Lab to provide hands-on experience to students. They have also provided demonstrations for animal control officers in how to safely restrain chickens and give them physical exams. Mentored by Cooperative Extension and School of Food and Agriculture faculty, the club is trained in biosecurity and basic poultry care, and establishes poultry projects based on interest and availability of resources. For more information, contact Anne Lichtenwalner at 207-581-2789.

Dairy Challenge Team

The mission of the North American Intercollegiate Dairy Challenge is to develop tomorrow’s dairy leaders by providing educational and networking opportunities to students of animal and dairy science programs throughout North America. Students that participate in the dairy challenge are preparing for careers in the dairy industry as farmers, researchers, educators, financial analysts, nutritionists, farm service providers and veterinarians. For more information, please contact David Marcinowski.

Fly Fishing Club

This club is a recreational organization with the goal of educating students on cold water fisheries conservation and teaching the necessary skills and knowledge about the sport of fly fishing. To find out more, contact faculty advisor, William Ellis. The Fly Fishing Club also maintains social media accounts on Facebook (umaineflyfishingclub) and Instagram (umaineflyfishing).

Food Science Club

The Food Science Club is an affiliate of the Institute of Food Technologists’ Student Association. The purpose of the club is to develop relationships among students and faculty in the area of food science. Participating students learn about the food industry and gain a full perspective of employment opportunities and contacts. Contact faculty advisor Jason Bolton for more information.

Forest Products Society

The Forest Products Society is the student chapter of the international association of the same name. Membership is open to any interested UMaine student, faculty, or staff member. The club meets once a month during the academic year. The society was formed to encourage the development and application of wood utilization technology and provide a link between industry and research. Activities include field trips, sponsoring of guest lecturers, fund-raising, and social activities. For more information about the Forest Products Society at UMaine, please contact faculty advisor Doug Gardner at 207-581-2846.

Geological Society

The UMaine Geological Society promotes the study of geology and related earth sciences through education, exploration of ideas, and hands-on experience in the field. The society provides extracurricular experiences that strengthen skills and help open doors for career opportunities. Such experiences include guest speakers, interactions with professional geologists, field excursions, and active involvement within both UMaine and local communities. For more information, contact faculty advisor Martin Yates.

Green Team

The Green Team at UMaine is a community of students who meet weekly to organize events and discuss issues relating to the preservation of our environment. Anyone interested in getting involved can attend the weekly scheduled meetings. Students can also attend the Green Team’s regularly scheduled events! Please reach out to the Green Team’s Instagram (umainegreen) page to get in touch.

Horticulture Club

The Horticulture Club provides a place for students interested in plants to engage in a variety of activities such as field trips to gardens, nurseries and greenhouses. The club host guest speakers, participates in the Bangor Garden Show, and propagates a variety of plants in the Roger Clapp Greenhouses for plant sales. It is run by its student members and elected officers who collectively determine the direction of the Club and plan its activities. Students from all backgrounds are welcome to join in this is fun, educational club where the common passion for plants brings everyone together. Meetings are informal and take place in the Roger Clapp Greenhouses. For more information, please contact faculty advisor, Stephanie Burnett. The Horticulture Club also maintains accounts on Instagram (umainehorticultureclub) and Facebook (University of Maine Horticulture Club).

IFT College Bowl Team

Each spring, undergraduate and graduate students on the School of Food and Agriculture’s College Bowl Team test their food-related knowledge in a Jeopardy style quiz bowl against other university teams in the North Atlantic. Topics include all areas of food science and technology, nutrition, food history, and law, as well as general food-related trivia. New students from any major are welcome to participate. For more information, contact faculty advisor Denise Skonberg.

Maine Animal Club

The Maine Animal Club (MAC) was formed in 1972 by students interested in creating an organization that would enhance students’ knowledge of animals and animal agriculture through social interactions. MAC provides a dynamic and challenging atmosphere that allows students to take on responsibility to be innovative, creative, and to enhance their understanding of animal agriculture. For more information, contact faculty advisor Dave Marcinkowski. The Maine Animal Club maintains Facebook (MaineAnimalClub) and Instagram (maineanimalclub) accounts.

Maine Forester

The Maine Forester publishes a yearbook for the Forest Management, Forest Operations Science, Forest Ecosystem Science, Wildlife Ecology, Parks, Recreation, and Tourism, and Wood Science programs. Throughout the course of the year, articles, pictures, quotes, and illustrations are collected in order to publish an issue that depicts the activities and concerns of the college, its clubs, the State of Maine, and the disciplines represented. Throughout its history, this publication has received acclaim and been recognized by the Society of American Foresters as one of the top three collegiate annuals. Traditionally, the Maine Forester is distributed to students and alumni, as well as to professionals in associated fields and corporations working within those fields. For more information, contact Louis Morin at 207-581-2854.

The Maine Society for Microbiology

The Maine Society for Microbiology is a collegiate branch of the American Society for Microbiology for both undergraduate and graduate students. Membership is open to any student with an interest in microbiology and helping develop a healthy attitude about microbiologically related topics such as emerging disease awareness, media related perspectives on microbiology, and current trends in research. These interests are pursued through biweekly meetings, social gatherings, and conference attendacne. There are also opportunities for students to make professional contacts for help in identifying future careers. For more information, please contact faculty advisor Robert Wheeler.

Marine Science Club
The Marine Science Club hosts guest speakers throughout the year on various subjects in marine science, as well as offering field trips to a variety of oceanographic institutions throughout New England. The club serves as a place where undergraduates can ask advice about classes and summer internships and is a venue where seniors can learn about job placement within the marine science community. The club provides support for all undergraduates in marine sciences. For more information, contact faculty advisor, William Ellis at 207-581-4360. The Marine Science Club maintains Facebook (Marine Science Club (UMaine)) and Instagram (marinescienceclubumaine) accounts.

National Association for Interpretation (NAI)

The Black Bear Student Chapter of the National Association for Interpretation (NAI) originated in the Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Program. It is open to any undergraduate or graduate student interested in environmental interpretation, education, and outdoor recreation. NAI members participate in educational workshops, assist students in obtaining Certified Interpretive Guide training, host guest speakers, and are involved in national conferences. Contact faculty advisor John Daigle for more information.

Nutrition Club

The Nutrition Club is a student-run organization for nutrition majors and others interested in healthy eating. The club is focused on nutrition education and service activities for the UMaine campus and local community. Students gain volunteer experience and valuable insights into the field of nutrition that help contribute to their future careers. For more information, please contact faculty advisors Susan SullivanRobert Causey or Eileen Molloy. The Nutrition Club also maintains a Facebook (UMaine Nutrition Club) page.

Permaculture and Gardening Club

The PGC runs the Terrell House Permactulture Living & Learning Center and hosts events related to sustainable living, permaculture principles, and sustainable agriculture. These events have taken the form of workshops and open gardens. The goal is to build healthy community connections and educate the public about the principles of permaculture. For more information, please contact faculty advisor Dan Dixon.

SEAD: Sustainability and Environment Action Division

SEAD is a UMaine Student Representative Board, so clubs can be part of it as well as individual students. SEAD represents and connects the environmental groups on campus and supports changes that make the UMaine campus more sustainable. SEAD’s goal is to increase inter-club cooperation to plan larger sustainability events on campus that also relate to some of the clubs in SEAD. For more information, please reach out via Facebook (Sustainability and Environment Action Division -SEAD) or Instagram (sead_umaine).

Society of American Foresters (SAF)

SAF is the national, scientific, and educational organization representing the forestry profession. The UMaine student chapter is dedicated to furthering professionalism, networking, and the learning experience of forestry students and related majors. Chapter field tours have included trips to the White Mountain National Forest, active timber harvest operations, and forest products facilities. Community projects have included work on the Orono Bog Boardwalk, trail mapping/maintenance at Leonard’s Mills Forest & Logging Museum, and helping local high school students learn tree identification. The chapter also endeavors to send as many interested students as possible to Maine, New England, and National SAF meetings. For more information, contact faculty advisor Anthony Guay or Mitch Dumas.

Society for Conservation Biology (SCB)

The UMaine Student Chapter of the Society for Conservation Biology (SCB) is an organization open to students of all majors who are interested in conserving the earth’s resources, especially its living organisms, particularly plants and animals. The SCB is assisting on a variety of community projects, organizing social outings (such as hiking trips), and hostingguest speakers. For more information, please contact Aram Calhoun.

Society of Physics Students (SPS)

The Society of Physics Students is both a local UMaine club and a national organization. Weekly club meetings include talks from professors, physics discussions, viewing parties, study sessions, and liquid nitrogen ice-cream. The SPS is also responsible for planning a number of major events for the Physics department. The purpose of SPS at UMaine is to foster a welcoming community of Physics (and non-Physics) students through a shared love and appreciation for the Physical Sciences. For more information, contact faculty advisor Charles Hess. The SPS maintains Facebook (umainesps) and Instagram (SpsUmaine) accounts.

Spire: The Maine Journal of Conservation and Sustainability

Spire is an interdisciplinary journal that works to increase engagement with important environmental issues by facilitating diverse conversations about conservation and sustainability topics, perspectives, and developments. This online journal is run by UMaine students with the support of faculty and Advisory Board members. Spire accepts essay, research, article, data, art/photographic, and narrative submissions from individuals. It also holds annual art competitions where UMaine students and members of the public can submit artwork to be selected for the cover. For more information, please contact spire@maine.edu or reach out on Facebook (Spire Journal) or Twitter (Spire Journal).

Sustainable Agriculture Interest Group (SAIG)

The Sustainable Agriculture Interest Group serves as a forum of interested students, faculty and campus community members who gather in an informal setting to discuss and debate issues and opportunities of sustainability in our agricultural systems. The group currently sponsors field trips, speakers, and social events in the area of sustainable agriculture, and offers input and occasional volunteer hours to the Black Bear Food Guild, a student-run organic farm. For more information, contact Marianne Sarrantonio at 207-581-2913.

TAPPI Student Chapter (UM)

The Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry (TAPPI) provides a platform for students to learn more about the industry, assist with networking, and establsh themselves with alumni within the industry. The chapter attends two national conferences annually, and holds community events and fundraisers. For more information, contact Thomas Schwartz or connect through their Facebook (University of Maine TAPPI) page.

UMaine Climate Action 

The purpose of UMaine Climate Action is to promote core values of climate justice and activism in regard to the climate crisis. Formerly known as DivestUMS, they encouraged and worked with the UMaine to divest its financial assets from the fossil fuel industry, raise public awareness, and support fossil fuel divestment as a broader movement. Upon the University’s agreement to divest from fossil fuel, the group has now pivoted to focus on other meaningful forms of climate action. For more information, contact faculty advisor Steve Coghlan or reach out to them on Instagram (UMaine.climate.action).

UMaine Greens

UMaine Greens produces salad mix for the Bear’s Den at the UMaine Memorial Union. Greens are grown by students near the UMaine’s automated composting facility off of Rangely Road near the University Credit Union. The composting facility recycles waste from UMaine dining halls, along with other feedstocks, to produce high quality compost which is used both by the UMaine Greens students, and for other campus projects. The UMaine Greens experience is loved by students with an interest in local food systems, delicious food, and getting their hands dirty! For more information, contact Eric Gallandt at 207-581-2933 or visit their Facebook (UMaine Greens) page.

Undergraduate Women in STEMM (WiSTEMM)

UMaine Undergraduate Women in STEMM is a student organization and social club that connects women in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medicine, to engage, share ideas and opportunities, and support each other in their studies. Beyond academic opportunities, this club functions to provide a resource where students can find out about other groups, job opportunities, volunteer options, and scholarships, attend interesting lectures or events on campus, and much more. For more information, contact faculty advisor Melody Neely. WiSTEMM also maintains Instagram (um.usistemm) and Facebook (UMaine Women in STEMM) accounts.

University of Maine American Fisheries Society Student Subunit

This is an independent student chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Students benefit through professional development activities that prepare them for success in the natural sciences field. Members engage the public through communication and presentations that spark interests in fisheries ecology, research, and the scientific process. Members are also involved in organizing and teaching hands-on lessons in aquatic sciences at local schools. This organization also organizes fishing trips and fly tying workshops. For more information, please contact Joe Zydlewski or Christina Murphy. The chapter also maintains a Facebook page (UMaineAFSStudent).

University of Maine Geology Club

The UMaine Geology Club was founded in 1947. The club is for students usually involved in the School of Earth and Climate Sciences. Objectives include planning and attending geological field trips, attending professional meetings, supporting service projects which work toward a cleaner environment, developing educational materials for the department, institute, and the public, and enriching the social life of the UMaine students interested in earth sciences. For more information, contact Martin Yates or Dan Lux.

Wildlife Society (TWS)

The parent chapter of The Wildlife Society is a professional organization dedicated to the wise management and conservation of the world’s wildlife resources. Activities of the student chapter include numerous outings to local ecosystems, field trips, conducting owl surveys, hosting a seminar series, fundraising for student scholarships, and the maintenance of wood duck nesting boxes in nearby wetlands. The organization is a very active group and has a strong commitment to conservation and community outreach. In addition, the society sponsors a number of educational activities. For more information, please contact faculty advisor, Sabrina Morano. The TWS maintains Facebook (UMOwildlifesociety) and Instagram (umowildlifesociety) accounts.

Students striking for climate
Student in greenhouse
Green Team at Acadia