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Senator George J. Mitchell Center for Sustainability Solutions

Talk – Sustainability Success through Community Conservation

107 Norman Smith Hall Mitchell Center - UMaine, Orono, ME, United States

Speaker: Anthony Charles, School of the Environment and School of Business, Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, Nova Scotia Co-sponsored by the School of Marine Sciences Place-based communities the world over face […]


Talk – The Politics of a Sustainable Coast

107 Norman Smith Hall Mitchell Center - UMaine, Orono, ME, United States

The Politics of a Sustainable Coast: Money, Science, Democracy, and Climate in Southeastern Louisiana Speaker: Michael A. Haedicke, Associate Professor, Drake Co-sponsors: Dept. of Sociology, Margaret Chase Smith Policy Center […]


Talk – Build it and they will come

107 Norman Smith Hall Mitchell Center - UMaine, Orono, ME, United States

Speaker: Tony Grassi, sustainability entrepreneur Tony will talk about sustainability in practice as he and his wife Sally rehabilitated an old mill in Freedom Maine, restored hydropower at the old […]


Sustainability Lightning Talks

107 Norman Smith Hall Mitchell Center - UMaine, Orono, ME, United States

Eight students will present five-minute talks on their sustainability research in Maine. Selected Presentations: Graduate Responses of potato varieties to Dickeya dianthicola and Pectobacterium parmentieri that cause blackleg and soft […]


Talk – Using Cooperation Science to Strengthen Local Food Systems

107 Norman Smith Hall Mitchell Center - UMaine, Orono, ME, United States

Speakers: Afton Hupper, Taylor Lange, Tim Waring, Local Food Lab, UMaine Sustainable solutions are not always win-win. The hardest sustainability challenges are social dilemmas in which the best outcome for […]


Talk – Dirty Weeds Done Dirt Cheap

107 Norman Smith Hall Mitchell Center - UMaine, Orono, ME, United States

Dirty Weeds Done Dirt Cheap: Coupling weed ecology and economics to aid farmer decision-making Speaker: Sonja Birthisel, PhD Student, Ecology & Environmental Sciences, UMaine Weeds are a major economic concern […]


Talk 12/7 – Understanding Global Warming Impacts on Fish

107 Norman Smith Hall Mitchell Center - UMaine, Orono, ME, United States

The Gill-Oxygen Limitation Theory: Origin, Scope and Utility in Understanding Global Warming Impacts on Fish Speaker: Dr. Daniel Pauly, University of British Columbia Professor, PI: Sea Around Us Project There is need for a broad guiding theory based on first principles to interpret the many ways that fishes (and invertebrates) are affected by increasing temperatures […]

Talk – Sustainability on the Front Lines of Climate Change

107 Norman Smith Hall Mitchell Center - UMaine, Orono, ME, United States

Sustainability on the Front Lines of Climate Change: Inside a UMaine Travel Study Course Speakers: Brandon Lieberthal, Postdoctoral Researcher, Civil and Environmental Engineering, UMaine Allison Gardner, Assistant Professor, Biology & Ecology, UMaine A complex dual relationship exists between climate change and sustainable development. Through its detrimental effects on food security, fresh water access, and human […]
