Past CUGR Recipients

Brianna Ballard (major:  History)
“From Frontier to Battlefield: Changing Medical Roles for Maine Women from the Early Modern Age of Martha Ballard to the Modern Battlefield,” advised by Liam Riordan

  • Exploring women’s roles in medical practice just before Maine statehood (1780-1820) and how the disempowerment of women by male-dominated 19th-century health science institutions was counterbalanced by the authority gained by female nurses in the First World War.

Liam Reading (major: Studio Art)
“Hand Printed Book,” advised by Walter Tisdale

  • Creation of a limited edition hand-printed illuminated book of poetry and copper etchings, embodying a spiritual journey.  The book mixes cultural commentary, individual reflection, and metaphorical images of the relation between human beings and the rest of the natural world.

Micah Valliere (major: English)
“The Tale of Cupid and Psyche: A New English Translation,” advised by Benjamin Friedlander

  • A new translation from the Latin of a section from Apuleius’s Transformations of Lucius, with an introduction for the contemporary general reader.  Cupid and Psyche, a married couple beset by their differences (she is mortal, he a god), endure dragons, a trip to the underworld, and finally find redemption.

Robert Millett (major: New Media)
Working title: “LGBT Resource App,” advised by Jon Ippolito

  • Connecting LGBT people at risk/in need with other, more experienced LGBT people, who can offer advice or help connect to further (professional) resources.  Chat room or forum format, using voice calls to provide personal tone, encouragement, space to vent, early intervention.  Build online community for emotional and practical assistance.