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Clement and Linda McGillicuddy Humanities Center

Latest Past Events

Decolonizing Museum Practices: Implications for Universities and Schools

Bodwell Lounge, Collins Center for the Arts 2 Flagstaff Rd., Orono

Starr Kelly (Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg), Curator of Education at the Abbe Museum, will be speaking on "Decolonizing Museum Practices: Implications for Universities and Schools" from 4:00 to 5:30 pm on Monday, January 27. The talk will be held in Bodwell Lounge on the third floor of Collins Center for the Arts. Light refreshments will be […]


Aydrea Walden, “Black Girl in a Big Dress”

Arthur St. John Hill Auditorium Barrows Hall, University of Maine, Orono

The Rising Tide Center, in collaboration with the Honors College, the Bailey Fund, the Communication and Journalism Department, and the McGillicuddy Humanities Center, presents two unique events with stand-up comedienne Aydrea Walden. On December 9, beginning at 8PM, Aydrea will perform "a musical one-woman show about a total whitey trapped in a black chick's body" called […]


Aydrea Walden, “The Oreo Experience”

Minsky Recital Hall Collins Center for the Arts, University of Maine, Orono

The Rising Tide Center, in collaboration with the Honors College, the Bailey Fund, the Communication and Journalism Department, and the McGillicuddy Humanities Center, presents stand-up comedienne Aydrea Walden performing "a […]
